
lowland n.低地。adj.低地的;在低地里的;從低地來的。 th...


Shepherds in those hills lead a hard life compared with those who work the lowland pastures 和那些在低地牧場上放羊人相比,山里牧羊人的生活是艱辛的。

Habitat and ecology : in lowland thick forest and on wet places . flowering : apr . - jun 生境與生態:生于低海拔密林下蔭蔽濕潤的地方。花期: 4 - 6月。

Lowland trees may lean to this side and a bank of cowslips from which their trunks lean aslope 低地上的樹木會東倒西歪,雖說使它們弓腰曲背的。

Habitat and ecology : in lowland broad - leaved evergreen forest . flowering : aug 生境與生態:攀援于低海拔常綠闊葉林的喬木或灌木上。花期: 8月。

Suddenly there arose from all parts of the lowland a prolonged and repeated call - 突然,下面低地上從四面八方傳來一陣長長的反復的呼喚聲

Heavy rain and flooding in the low lands lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 大雨和低洼地的積水造成了冬天播種的小麥遭受損失。

The primary report on the introduction and selection of alfalfa varieties in hebei lowland plain 河北低平原區紫花苜蓿引種篩選試驗初報

Soil enzyme activities in different plantations in lowlands of the yellow river delta , china 黃河三角洲灘地不同造林模式的土壤酶活性

Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 洼地處的暴雨和洪水使得去年冬天種植的小麥受到了損害。

On the other hand , more factors can be controlled in lowland rice than in upland crops 另一方面,水稻比旱作物能控制更多的因素。

Having enjoyed the rides at the headland , visitors can take the shuttle to the lowland 游客在高地車乘以后,可以坐穿梭車去低地。

Lowland bog stage 低位沼澤階段

Lowland rural area 低地鄉郊地區

Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 地勢較抵處的暴雨和洪水破壞了在冬天種植的小麥。

Habitat and ecology : in lowland forests attached to rocks or tree trunks 生境與生態:生于林中巖石上或樹干上。花期: 4 - 5月。

The upland option is considered ecologically preferable to the lowland option 從生態角度考慮,高地方案比低地方案較為可取。

Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 在低洼地區,大雨和洪水毀壞了冬天種植的小麥。

Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 大雨以及低地的洪水破壞了去年冬天栽種的小麥。

Heavy rain and flooding in the lowlands damaged wheat planted in the winter 洼地處的暴雨和山洪沖毀了去年冬天種植的小麥。