
lowermost adj.最下的,最低的。


The personnel that concern of this city endowment insurance still retains before emeritus age , can continue to be in this urban district each type unit has a job , expend with capture of postpone of on - the - job worker status , to month by month can be declared to get old - age pension when achieving lowermost capture to expend fixed number of year 屆退休年齡前仍保留本市養老保險關系的人員,可繼續在本市區各類型單位參加工作,并以在職職工身份順延繳費,至達到最低繳費年限時可申報逐月領取養老金。

Accordingly , to protect insurant or the legitimate rights and interests of beneficiary beneficiary , make they are sufferring loss or the it is fair to can be obtained in time compensation after damaging , insurance law stipulated the underwriter grants to pay insurance golden obligation first , namely : the underwriter receives the day that compensate for or concerns proof , material to what pay insurance gold to rise 60 days oneself inside , be compensated for to its or cannot decide to the amount that pays insurance gold , ought to pay according to already proof and data decide lowermost amount gives ; after the underwriter is compensated for finally certainly or giving the number that pays insurance gold , ought to pay corresponding margin 因此,為保護被保險人或者受益人的合法權益,使他們在遭受損失或損害后能夠及時獲得一定的補償,保險法規定了保險人先予給付保險金的義務,即:保險人自收到賠償或者給付保險金的請求和有關證實、資料之日起60日內,對其賠償或者給付保險金的數額不能確定的,應當根據已有證實和資料確定最低數額予以支付;保險人最終確定賠償或者給付保險金的數額后,應當支付相應的差額

Answer : be in only a legal and emeritus age before , labor adds up to the endowment insurance capture inside the corresponding period to expended fixed number of year to achieve lowermost capture to expend fixed number of year , just accord with oneself not the condition that insurance premium of pay medical treatment still can continue to enjoy treatment of medical treatment insurance 答:只有在屆法定退休年齡前,勞動合同期內的養老保險繳費年限達到了最低繳費年限,才符合本人不繳納醫療保險費仍可繼續享受醫療保險待遇的條件。

Estimation is such , because lowermost mark line has a few reasons , it is special examinee , 2 it is to cast archives to press 120 % cast etc , also fasten nevertheless too pessimistic , perhaps fractional line low , also not be to do not have a likelihood , annual fractional line also is met vicissitudinous 估計是這樣,因為最低分數線有幾個原因,一是非凡考生,二是投檔按百分之一百二十投等等,不過也別過于悲觀,也許分數線又低了,也不是沒可能,每年的分數線也都會有變化的。

Someone is contract work all the time , labor contract still is signed with unit add after reaching emeritus age , cost of endowment insurance of pay of the postpone inside contract period already achieved lowermost capture to expend fixed number of year , why is even one - time pay full can expenses of medical treatment compensation just enjoy treatment of medical treatment insurance 某人一直是合同工,達到退休年齡后仍與單位續簽勞動合同,合同期內順延繳納養老保險費已達到最低繳費年限,為什么還要一次性繳足20年的醫療補償費才可享受醫療保險待遇?

Lunar income is in 2000 yuan of the following workers , specified amount of reimbursement of every months of lowest should be the 20 of domestic income , lunar income is in 2000 - 5000 yuan worker , lowermost reimbursement specified amount of every months should be in the 25 above of gross income ; lunar income is in the worker of 5000 yuan of above , reimbursement specified amount of every months should be the 30 above of lunar income 月收入在2000元以下的職工,每月最低還款額應是家庭收入的20 ,月收入在2000 5000元的職工,每月的最低還款額應在總收入的25以上;月收入在5000元以上的職工,每月的還款額應是月收入的30以上。

Of new car protect the forehead to want to purchase valence to cast according to new car protect , and of old car protect the forehead to want to decide according to car depreciation price and the lowermost amount of the invoice amount that buy a car , if your car is not new car any more or what you buy is two handcart , and pilfer rush to deal with an emergency is cast by new car price protect , you not only paid insurance premium more , once the car is stolen , be grabbed , you can receive depreciation price or the compensation of the lowest in sending fare only 新車的保額要按照新車購置價投保,而舊車的保額要按照車輛折舊價和購車發票金額的最低金額確定,假如您的車已經不是新車或者您買的是二手車,而盜搶險按新車價投保,您不但多交了保險費,一旦車被偷、被搶,您只能得到折舊價或發票價中最低的賠償。

The staff do not have course of study that labor ability loses in ensuring a family to life of town dweller lowest ( include not to have industry old support of the people to did not become children ) and in family of lowermost life safeguard although oneself have cure to defend salary , but weigh disease because of sufferring from a serious illness , after enjoying pay of insurance of primary medical treatment and other subsidy the individual assumes medical treatment to expend still inconvenient personnel , in principle of charge of medical treatment of door emergency call provides for oneself ; the charge of primary medical treatment during be in hospital is in deduct each medical treatment to be sure to be able to pay part and unit to should submit an expense account after the part , its individual pays a part actually to be able to grant appropriate allowance , deliverance forehead spends medical treatment of annual accumulative total not to exceed 5000 yuan commonly 對城鎮居民最低生活保障家庭中喪失勞動能力的無業人員(包括無業老人和未成子女)以及最低生活保障家庭中本人雖有醫保待遇,但因患大病重病,在享受基本醫療保險待遇和其他補貼后個人承擔醫療費仍有困難的人員,門急診醫療費用原則上自理;住院期間的基本醫療費用在扣除各項醫療保險可支付部分及單位應報銷部分后,其個人實際支付部分可給予適當補助,全年累計醫療救助額度一般不超過5000元。

Complete credit is made is one kind regards the system of a kind of education management of graduation standard as the graduation total credit that must obtain , it asks according to education the target is mixed the class hour quantity of each course in education plan and education link , decide the credit of every course , set obligatory course and course of take as an elective course , set the scale of of all kinds course , and the lowermost total credit that allow student graduates 完全學分制是一種把必須取得的畢業總學分作為畢業標準的一種教學治理制度,它要求按照培養目標和教學計劃中各門課程及教學環節的學時量,確定每門課程的學分,設置必修課和選修課,規定各類課程的比例,以及準予學生畢業的最低總學分。

Require the domestic difficulty candidate for an entrance examination of derate exam charge , must carry the following data , after the sectional examine and verify that is in charge of the job that take an examination of wu by each province city affirms , conduction derate exam studies the procedures of wu charge : ( the county that the examinee of the town family that 1 ) enjoys national minimum life to ensure gold must carry its family seat ( area , city ) civil administration branch issued enjoyment the proof that lowermost life ensures ( original ) and low assure ( xerox ) ; ( of family of 2 ) country absolutely poverty enter oneself for an examination personnel the county by its family seat ( area , city ) help deficient up to do ( branch ) issued especially tired proof ( original ) with especially tired family fundamental condition file card ( xerox ) 需減免考試費用的家庭困難考生,必須攜帶以下材料,由各省市負責考務工作的部門審核確認后,辦理減免考試考務費用的手續: ( 1 )享受國家最低生活保障金的城鎮家庭的考生須攜帶其家庭所在地的縣(區、市)民政部門出具的享受最低生活保障的證實(原件)和低保證(復印件) ; ( 2 )農村絕對貧困家庭的報考人員憑其家庭所在地的縣(區、市)扶貧辦(部門)出具的特困證實(原件)和特困家庭基本情況檔案卡(復印件) 。

Although repay every months with lowermost reimbursement specified amount , loan won ' t have exceed the time limit , but if press lowermost reimbursement specified amount all the time , spend reimbursement , there can be a large sum of odd loans to want to return when expiring to loan , if loan of this part the rest cannot repay on time be about to calculate exceed the time limit is punished breath ; had expired because of loan at the same time , cannot the word house of reimbursement still is facing the risk that is dealt with , if want to repay slowly , had had not enough time at this moment , when loan expires must sum repays end 雖然每月以最低還款額償還貸款不會有逾期,但假如一直按最低還款額度還款,到貸款到期時就會有一大筆剩余貸款要還,這部分剩余貸款假如不能按時償還就要計算逾期罰息;同時因為貸款已經到期,不能還款的話房子還面臨著被處置的危險,這時假如想要慢慢償還已經來不及了,貸款到期時必須一次全額償還完畢。

Then , the program based on complex eigenvalue method was employed to investigate the influence of three parameters on vibration - controlled of cables . final , in term of character of vsd which is strongly dependent on temperature , the method based on lowermost damper of first order vibration - controlled aim at design tiptop temperature and checked at minimum temperature is presented , in which available shear area of damper is calculated 最后,在學習國內外研究成果的基礎上,根據粘性剪切型阻尼器的溫度依賴性強的特點,提出在設計最高溫度下,以滿足一階制振目標的阻尼值下限為標準設計阻尼器插板的有效剪切面積,最后在設計最低溫度下復核拉索各階制振目標是否滿足的設計方法。

Execute credit to make , the class hour of each course in asking according to education target and education plan and education link is measured , decide the credit of every course , setting obligatory course , be restricted to choose class and course of take as an elective course , set the scale of of all kinds course , and the lowermost total credit that allow graduates 實行學分制,要求按照培養目標和教學計劃中各門課程及教學環節的學時量,確定每門課程的學分,設置必修課、限選課和選修課,規定各類課程的比例,以及準予畢業的最低總學分。

Introduction : from top to bottom were : game speed , low to slow , medium for the ordinary , high for the high speed ; choice of racing ; lowermost 1player for the single computer contests , demo computer demonstration 2players for double war mode ; then go start the game 攻略:從上至下分別為:游戲速度, low為慢速medium為普通high為高速選擇賽車最下面的1player為單人對電腦競賽, demo為電腦演示, 2players為雙人對戰模式然后點“ go ”開始游戲。

Introduction : from top to bottom were : game speed , low to slow , medium for the ordinary , high for the high speed ; choice of racing ; lowermost 1player for the single computer contests , demo computer demonstration 2players for double war mode ; then “ go “ start the game 從上至下分別為:游戲速度, low為慢速medium為普通high為高速選擇賽車最下面的1player為單人對電腦競賽, demo為電腦演示, 2players為雙人對戰模式然后點“ go ”開始游戲。

From top to bottom were : game speed , low to slow , medium for the ordinary , high for the high speed ; choice of racing ; lowermost 1player for the single computer contests , demo computer demonstration 2players for double war mode ; then “ go “ start the game :從上至下分別為:游戲速度, low為慢速medium為普通high為高速選擇賽車最下面的1player為單人對電腦競賽, demo為電腦演示, 2players為雙人對戰模式然后點“ go ”開始游戲。

From top to bottom were : game speed , low to slow , medium for the ordinary , high for the high speed ; choice of racing ; lowermost 1player for the single computer contests , demo computer demonstration 2players for double war mode ; then go start the game 從上至下分別為:游戲速度, low為慢速medium為普通high為高速選擇賽車最下面的1player為單人對電腦競賽, demo為電腦演示, 2players為雙人對戰模式然后點“ go ”開始游戲。

Minimum wage standard , it is to show laborer is in inside legal working hours or the working hours that the labor contract that signs lawfully agrees below the premise that provided normal work , the lowermost work reward that unit of choose and employ persons should pay lawfully 最低工資標準,是指勞動者在法定工作時間或依法簽訂的勞動合同約定的工作時間內提供了正常勞動的前提下,用人單位依法應支付的最低勞動報酬。

To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of policy - holder and insurant , stimulative insurance health develops , insurance law asks all insurance company ought to have the lowermost solvency that with its business dimensions photograph gets used to 為了維護投保人和被保險人的合法權益,促進保險業健康發展,保險法要求所有保險公司都應當具備與其業務規模相適應的最低償付能力。