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lower regions 1.=lower world.2.〔戲謔語〕地下室;傭人...

lower world

There is a period of soil contents range from ten to twenty five days over the humid discussed area in summer , and the period is not obvious at the discussed zone of close oasis desert area in summer and winter . ( 2 ) soil temperature exits several periodic variations of different depths ranging from six to twenty four days in heihe region , and nine to thirty days in gaize and shiquanhe region . it also shows that gradient of soil temperature affects on the soil content movement more greatly in summer . ( 3 ) the land surface temperature of yangtze river lower region is retrieved from noaa - ahvrr data ( 2 )根據土壤溫濕資料,采用功率譜分析、 pca分析等方法,分析了兩種典型下墊面土壤溫度的時空分布特征及其對土壤水分運動的影響,發現研究區土壤溫度除日和年變化周期外還存在6 30天的不同周期;下墊面的非均勻性及其季節變化及溫度梯度變化對土壤水分運動有很大影響,冬季溫度梯度變化對土壤含水量影響大于夏季溫度梯度對上壤含水量變化的影響,且溫度梯度與水分運動方向相反。

On sundays , miss pross dined at the doctor s table , but on other days persisted in taking her meals at unknown periods , either in the lower regions , or in her own room on the second floor - a blue chamber , to which no one but her ladybird ever gained admittance 星期天普洛絲小姐在醫生的桌上用膳,別的日子總堅持在沒人知道的時候到底層或二樓她的屋里去吃一一那是個藍色的房間,除了她的小鳥兒之外誰也不許進入。

According to the vulgar idea , the fire in his laboratory had been brought from the lower regions , and was fed with infernal fuel ; and so , as might be expected , his visage was getting sooty with the smoke 按照一種粗俗的說法,他實驗室中的火來自下界,而且是用煉獄的柴薪來燃燒的因此,理所當然地,他的面孔也就給那煙熏得越來越黑了。

The ability of the thick pines to repel the weather worked against the village , as the magical fires set by the mages in the group were able to stay lit in the dry lower regions of the trees 厚重的松樹用來抵擋天氣的能力反作用于村子,利用魔法點燃的魔法火焰能夠在樹下形成的干燥區域里持續明亮。

I descended cautiously to the lower regions , and landed in the back kitchen , where a gleam of fire , raked compactly together , enabled me to rekindle my candle 我小心地下樓,到了后廚房,那兒有一星火苗,撥攏在一起,使我點著了蠟燭。

In the arrangements of the little household , miss pross took charge of the lower regions , and always acquitted herself marvellously 在家務活動之中,普洛絲小姐負責的是下層工作,她總干得很出色。

Analysis and evaluation on the bearing capacity of soft clay in the lower region of minjiang river 閩江下游地區軟粘土承載力的分析評價