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lower deck 1.下甲板。2.〔pl.〕〔英國〕海軍士兵;艦上的低級軍...

lower empire

These ships have been in operation since 1888 and offer four different routes between hong kong island and the kowloon peninsula , of which the most famous and frequently travelled is the breathtaking seven - minute ride between central hong kong and tsim sha tsui in kowloon for a true hong kong bargain of hk 1 . 70 for adults and hk 1 . 20 for children on the lower deck , or hk 2 . 20 and hk 1 . 30 respectively upstairs 天星小輪自1888年起投入服務,提供四條航線,來回香港島和九半島其中以來往香港中環和九尖沙咀的航線最受歡迎。船費非常便宜,成人票下層僅為港幣1 . 7元,兒童1 . 2元上層分別是2 . 2元及1 . 3元。

Shortly before 10 . 30 am on january 3 , a bus driven by a 49 - year - old man was travelling along eastbound wong chuk hang road . when the bus stopped before the red traffic light signal upon reaching near nam long shan road , a 77 - year - old man was found lying on the lower deck floor near the staircase on the compartment 意外發生在一月三日上午約十時三十分,一名四十九歲男子駕駛一輛巴士沿黃竹坑道東行,當巴士駛至南朗山道附近的交通燈前停下時,一名七十七歲男子被發現倒臥在下層車廂近樓梯位置。

According to finite element segmentation principle , by combining test with observation , the author has measured the air streamline and speed distribution of burning equipment in dally situation , which provides some guide for research of air field in hearth on cold and hot conditions . and the law is found of air speed distribution by measuring its speed and distribution of upper and lower deck on cold condition , thus it lays the foundation for analysis on hot condition . under four burning states , we measure the air speed in single , double - deck , and find out its corresponding distribution law 5 .根據有限元分割原理布置測點,采用降溫方法,用k五江9106等儀器分別測出單雙爐排燃燒方式4種不同工況下,該燃燒設備爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度,并找到了隨爐膛高度方向及深度方向變化規律;從燃燒原理分析評價了2種燃燒方式爐膛內coz 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布特點及相應燃料層內干燥、干餾、氧化、還原、灰渣層厚度,肯定了雙層爐排燃燒方式爐膛中c02 、 02 、 co氣體濃度場分布合理性,從燃燒理論找出了最佳濃度場分布狀態及燃料層內各反應層厚度。

The ideas of environmental protection . leisure and elegance were represented in the construction , and decoration of the boats ; viewing landscape on top deck , chinese food and western buffet and drinks served on mid deck , taking breaks on lower deck 綠色環保系列豪華游船在建造裝璜上突出環保理念和人性親和設計,格調高雅,豪華美觀;下艙休閑觀景,上艙餐廳酒吧、頂樓游步觀光,是大船體少客位的寬敞舒適游船,推出品種豐富的中西式自助餐飲、深受游客們的青睞。

In case of double deck buses , exterior side panels up to the windowsill of upper deck are to be removed instead of interior side panels . ceiling panels of lower deck are also required to be removed 如屬雙層巴士,則高度至上層窗沿的車身旁板必須拆除(車廂內的旁板則無須拆除) 。巴士下層的頂板亦須拆除。

Under normal conditions , traffic uses the dual three - lane carriageway on the upper deck . the lower deck s sheltered carriageway is used only in bad weather or in emergencies 正常情況下,車輛會使用上層的雙程三線分隔車道,而下層的非露天車道只會在天氣惡劣或緊急事故時才開放。

Wind susceptible vehicles will be banned from using the upper deck of the lantau link and be diverted to use the lower deck 容易被風吹倒的車輛不得使用青嶼干線的上層,須改行下層。

Air cargo - non - certified containers for the lower deck of large capacity aircraft - specification and testing 空運貨物.用于大容量飛行器底艙的非適航審定的集裝箱.規范和試驗

Air cargo equipment - base - restrained certified containers exclusively for the lower deck of high - capacity aircraft 航空貨運設備.大容量飛機下層艙專用底部固定式合格集裝箱

Vechicles carrying dangerous goods belonging to category 1 , 2 or 5 will be banned from using the lower deck 運載第一二或五類危險貨品的車輛禁止使用下層。

Vehicles carrying dangerous goods belonging to category 1 , 2 or 5 will be banned from using the lower deck 運載第一二或五類危險貨品的車輛禁止使用下層。

The upper , main , middle , and lower deck of a ship are somewhat like the stories of a house 船的上甲板,主甲板,中甲板和下甲板有點像房子的樓層。

The upper , main , middle , and lower decks of a ship are somewhat like the stories of a house 船的上甲板,主甲板,中甲板和下甲板有點像房子的樓層。

Low deck body 低臺貨箱

Containers base - restained certified containers for the lower deck of high capacity aircraft 大容量飛機底艙用底部固定的經驗證的集裝箱

To allow natural lighting to the lower deck , part of the podium would be made with glass 平臺上建玻璃底水池,讓光線穿透至下層。

On or to a lower deck 在或向較低的甲板

Aircraft ground equipment - lower deck loader - functional requirements 飛行器地面設備.底艙板裝載機.功能要求

The platform shall not be lowered when the lower deck is occupied 當下層車位有車輛停泊時,不得將平臺降下。