
lowell n.洛厄爾〔姓氏,男子名〕。


From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century , while presided by eliot and lowell , harvard university carried on a series of reforms , which played an important role in the forming of zhu ke - zhen ' s educational thoughts and the practice of his educational reform , including emphasizing professors , using tutor system , cultivating generalists and advocating down - to - earth spirit 哈佛大學在19世紀末20世紀初艾略特和勞威爾任校長期間進行了一系列的改革,這些改革對竺可楨教育理念的形成和他的教育改革的推行,包括重視教授、實行導師制、培養通才以及崇尚求是精神都起了關鍵的作用。

“ one branch of it , “ according to the historian of concord , for i love to quote so good authority , “ rises in the south part of hopkinton , and another from a pond and a large cedar - swamp in westborough , “ and flowing between hopkinton and southborough , through framingham , and between sudbury and wayland , where it is sometimes called sudbury river , it enters concord at the south part of the town , and after receiving the north or assabeth river , which has its source a little farther to the north and west , goes out at the northeast angle , and flowing between bedford and carlisle , and through billerica , empties into the merrimack at lowell “它的一條支流” ,據研究康科德河的歷史學家說(我喜歡引用權威) , “發源自霍普金頓的南部,另一條支流來自西區的一個池塘和一大片雪松沼澤, ”它們從霍普金頓和南區的中間流過,途經弗萊明翰,然后穿過薩德伯里和韋蘭(在這一段它有時被稱為薩德伯里河) ,從南部進入康科德鎮,在與發源自較遙遠的北面和西面的阿薩貝斯河交匯后,從東北方向流出,然后從貝德福德與卡萊爾中間穿過,流經比勒瑞卡,最終匯入洛厄爾的梅里馬克河。

The lowell - meredith company captured the collection of all his essays , and the maxmillian company got his “ sea lyrics “ and the “ love - cycle , “ the latter receiving serial publication in the ladies home companion after the payment of an extortionate price 海瑞迪思-羅威爾公司搶走了他的全部論文,馬克西米連公司得到了他的海上抒情詩和愛情組詩,后者還在女土家庭伴侶上連載,獲得了極優厚的稿酬。

Once deemed by robert lowell the most important irish poet since yeats , heaney has combined in his work personal memories with images of irish heritage and the landscape of northern ireland . he has published numerous individual collections of poems , most recently 黑倪的詩作,往往將其個人對愛爾蘭文化遺產的記憶與北愛爾蘭的自然景致結合起來,因此被譽為繼葉慈yeats之后最重要的愛爾蘭詩人。

“ overdue “ was rushed upon the market by the meredith - lowell company in the height of his popularity , and being fiction , in point of sales it made even a bigger strike than “ the shame of the sun . 在他紅極一時之際,梅瑞迪思-羅威爾公司迫不及待地把他的過期推上了市場。由于是小說,它在銷售量上取得了比太陽的批辱更大的成功。

Then he divined the cause of her agitation and handed her the meredith - lowell letter which had accompanied the check . she stumbled through it , pausing now and again to wipe her eyes , and when she had finished , said : - 馬丁一時很覺莫名其妙,然后明白了她難過的原因,便把梅瑞迪思一羅威爾公司防支票寄來的信遞給了她。

J . r . lowell , for instance , “ can overflow with american humour when politics inspire his muse ; but in the realm of pure poetry he is no more american than a newdigate prizeman “ 比如說洛威爾, “當政治激起他的詩興時,他的作品洋溢著美國人的幽默;但是在純詩的領域里,他的美國氣質還不如一個地道的英國人” 。

During the 1960s , american poet robert lowell , having embraced pacifism , refused to serve his country in vietnam . for this refusal , he was sentenced to five months in prison 一九六年代,美國詩人羅勃特洛厄爾服膺和平主義,拒絕為國家到越南服役,被判入獄五個月。

Lowell is highly respected for his vast intellect , but the cost of this wisdom is his obsessive desire to be left alone with his studies 洛厄爾因其超凡的智力而倍受尊敬,但這樣的智慧使他渴望不受打擾的進行研究。

Lowell lo , angelita li and predence liew , passionly perform these 10 songs recomposed by roel a . garcia and ding yat chung 李安琪深情演繹10首由鍾定一及roel a . garcia改編的經典金曲

“ overdue , “ after having been declined by a number of magazines , came to rest at the meredith - lowell company 過期在被幾家雜志拒絕之后在梅瑞迪思一羅威爾公司落了腳。

“ it is curious . . . what shifts we make to escape thinking ” ( james russell lowell ) “令人好奇的是…我們能采取什么措施來逃脫思考” (詹姆斯?羅斯維爾?洛威爾) 。

“ there is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea ” ( james russell lowell ) “沒有東西更象大海一樣單調到讓人絕望了” (詹姆士?羅素?洛威爾) 。

“ there is no good in arguing with the inevitable ” ( james russell lowell ) “拿不可避免的事物爭論是沒有什么用的” (詹姆士?拉塞爾?洛威爾) 。

Lowell lo , angelita li and predence liew , passionly perform these 10 songs reco . . 李安琪深情演繹10首由鍾定一及roel a . garcia改編的經典金曲

Male artist lo , lowell 男藝人盧冠廷

Lowell : pretty much , most of the time . we have a kind of … radar 當然,大部分情況下都可以。我們有種類似…雷達的感覺。

Harvard yard , northeast corner , lowell house , across from her dorm 哈佛校園,東北角洛維爾樓,就在她的寢室對面

Jack lowell fulson , meet your new piano player : ray charles 洛厄爾弗爾遜,來見見你新的鋼琴師雷查爾斯