
lowdown n.〔俚語〕真相,內幕 。 (get the lowdo...


The above - mentioned problems are correlated and dependent c1osely each other , whose settiement wiii generate definitely vital promotion to mcfc industry accordingly , the thesis focuses on ( 1 ) in situ spectroscopic studies of cathode reaction mechanism in mcfc , ( 2 ) development of the novel research methods and experimental apparatuses for in situ monitoring the cathodic process of nio cathode ; ( 3 ) further eiucidation to the mechanisms about dissoiution and deformation of nio cathode , and exploration of the new approach to lowdown the dissolution and deformation of nio cathode in mcfc 本論文工作側重圍繞這四個問題,從研究方法、實驗儀器直至廈門大學理學博士論文研究主體進行了全新的嘗試和探索,以期達到全面深入的和實質性的進展。本論文的主要研究結果可歸納如下;一陰極反應過程活化中間氧物種的原位檢測很顯然,陰極反應機理的澄清對于提高電池性能以及選擇陰極材料等方面都有著重要的理論指導作用。

Thurman next appeared in the truth about cats and dogs , barman robin , gattaca , opposite ethan hawke , les miserables with liam neeson and the avengers . thurman was most recently seen in woody allen s new film sweet and lowdown opposite sean penn and samantha morton 烏瑪主演的影片大多沒有大紅大紫,所以想不起她在銀幕上的經典形象,倒是幾部做配角的電影讓她大放異彩,有的甚至成為影片的標志。

People would call me a lowdown abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum - but that don t make no difference 當然? ,人家會罵我是一個下賤的廢奴主義者,為了這個看不起我不過這沒有什么關系。

If you want the lowdown on anyone in the office , ask sam . he ' s the office gossip king 如果你想知道辦公室里任何一個人的內幕,去問山姆。他是辦公室的八卦王。

Lowdown , showdown , trying to break away stay on course feel the force , careful what you say 告訴我愛要怎么說愛要怎么做握在手中算不算擁有

We goin to this hicktown , let s get the lowdown , on how they get down 擦肩而過你竟然沒有發現我難道讓一切快樂和承諾任時間湮沒證實我們都

“ so he ' s dying , is he , the little prick ? listen , what ' s the lowdown on this ? “這么說這個小滑頭快死了是嗎?喂,這里面有什么名堂? ”

Sweet and lowdown 甜蜜與卑微

But here ' s the lowdown 不過真相是這樣的!

Mark cheated all his friends ; he is just a lowdown son of a bitch 馬克欺騙了所有的朋友;他是母狗養的卑劣的家伙。

You ll say it s dirty , lowdown business ; but what if it is 你會說這是一樁骯臟下流的勾當,不過那又怎么樣呢?

So the lowdown scoundrel sold the same ad to all six of us 就是這個卑劣的無賴將同一個廣告賣給了我們6個人

Give us the lowdown on cynthia 給我們說說關于辛斯婭的實情

Give me the lowdown on the new manager 告訴我那新經理的底細。

. . . give us the lowdown on cynthia 給我們說說關于辛斯婭的實情

Turn to the w3c for the lowdown on soap - check out their 從w3c那兒了解soap的內幕看一看它們的

A : just give me the lowdown , and you ' ll be fine 只要告訴我真相,你就沒事。