
lowbrow adj.,n.〔美口〕文化程度低的(人),教養不高的(人...


In a period of more than one year , dan brown , as an american novelist , wins an unusual success , which embodies mainly his unique principles of creation such as the subversive interpretation of old ideology , the reconstruction of traditional culture , the solicitude for people ' s living conditions , the demonstration of their inner anxiety , the mixture of highbrows and lowbrows , and the meeting of different aesthetic tastes 摘要美國小說家丹?布朗在短短一年多的時間里即引起了世人的關注,其主要原因是他對傳統觀念的消解和對經典文化的解構,是他對人們的生存焦慮的關懷和對糾纏于當下人們心中的疑點的詮釋,是其雅俗相融的創作手法和雅俗共賞的審美旨歸對接受群體的閱讀期待的多重滿足。

Natural bodily functions are a popular theme in lowbrow humor the world over , especially among adolescent boys , and none more so than farting 世界各地,尤其在青春期男孩之間,人體功能的自然生理現象一直是低級幽默中的一個熱門話題,這其中尤以放屁為最。

Ahem . lowbrow remarks may work for you 咳咳。也許你比較喜歡直接的方式吧

Ahem . lowbrow remarks may work for you . . 咳咳。也許你比較喜歡直接的方式吧

Let 's find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy . 怎樣才能雅俗共賞才好。