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low mass (無燒香、奏樂等的)小彌撒 (=Private mass...

low profile

Which is very dim and hence very difficult to find . if it is massive enough though model dependent , the lower mass limit is about 0 . 1 solar mass , the gas in the protostar continues to heat up until the central portion becomes hot and dense enough for , say , the hydrogen nuclei to overcome their mutual electrical repulsion . nuclear fusion will then take place and a star is finally born 如果原行星質量足夠大下限約為0 . 1個太陽質量,要注意的是,不同的理論模型會給出不同的下限,原恒星會不斷變熱,直至核心部分足夠熱和高壓,令氫原子核克服質子間的電排斥力,產生核聚變,成為一顆真正的恒星。

Such a process can take place in the low mass x - ray binary systems where the mass transfer from the companion to the neutron star can be larger than 0 . 5 solar masses . if the neutron star in the low mass x - ray binary accretes the matter , the central densities can reach to a state that strange - matter seeds are formed in the interiors of the star 在這個系統內,中子星可能會吞噬超過0 . 5個太陽質量的伴星物質,當中子星吸收了這些物質后,中心的密度會增加至足以產生奇異物質種子,這些種子會開始吞噬四周的中子物質,釋放出大量中微子和反中微子,令星體冷卻。

Recent study of the kilohertz quasi - periodic oscillations ( qpos ) in low mass x - ray binaries ( lmxbs ) indicates that the radiation force , other than the magnetosphere and disk interaction and the general relativity ( gr ) effect setting the inner disk edge , serves as the disk truncation mechanism on shorter time scales . some results and discussions are presented in this paper 最近對低質量x射線雙星中的千赫茲準周期振動的研究表明,是輻射壓力,而不是盤和磁球的相互作用以及處于盤內邊界的廣義相對論效應在短時標的盤切斷機制上起作用.本文給出了一些研究結果及討論

Lower mass it would be like our moon , unable to keep any gases around its rocky surface . if earth were of greater mass then all gases would be trapped in the atmosphere , creating volatile conditions unsuitable for life 這可是非常重要的,因為假如質量小些的話,它就會好像月球嶙峋表面一樣,無法把空氣抓住,相反,假如質量大一些,就會把所有氣體都困在大氣層中,使環境變化無常,生物難以適應。

If an object has a lower mass limit over 3 solar masses , occupying a small space not a cluster of stars and not emitting much light , then we can say that it is highly likely to be a black hole ,然后利用開普勒定律,計算出中心物體的質量下限。假若質量超過三個太陽質量,而且它非常細小又漆黑一片,我們便很有理由相信這是黑洞。

The carbon nanotubes ( cnts ) are attractive materials for electrodes of supercapacitors due to their superb characteristics : chemical stability , low mass density , low resistivity , and large specific surface area 納米碳管導電性好、比表面積大、微孔集中在一定范圍內,從理論上講是制作超級電容器的理想材料。

Concerning the launch process , infrared imager ’ s mechanism system must experience the harsh mechanics environment ; the part of mechanical structure should attain the high stiffness , high strength , low mass 考慮到發射過程中系統又必須經歷嚴酷力學環境,結構設計要做到高剛度,高強度,低質量。

In low mass flux and high outlet quality conditions , experiments have been performed using vertical heated tube , cooled by water , to determine chf value for a uniformly heated section 針對低流量高含汽量工況,本論文試驗在長度為2 . 1m ,管徑為0 . 014m的均勻受熱圓管中得到93組chf數據。

It shows that the modal shape and mode frequency are highly coupled with the viv response of a marine riser with low mass ratio 該模型的計算結果表明,立管的模態振型、模態頻率與渦激振動響應高度耦合,并且對于低質量比的情況尤為明顯。

It is a dark companion of a type o star . its lower mass limit is 7 solar masses and it emits x - rays 這物體的伴星是一顆o型星,質量下限是七個太陽質量,并會放射出x射線。

Experimental investigation on post - dryout heat transfer in narrow annuli at low mass velocity 低質量流速下環形通道內干涸后傳熱實驗研究

Low mass electrode 輕量電極