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low latitude 低緯度。

low mass

The positive and negative anomaly centers at 500hpa level formed the anomaly “ wave train “ from lower latitude to higher latitude over east asia . the teleconnection pattern called east asia - pacific pattern ( eap ) plays important roles in the summer rainfall in shandong area . study shows that weaker okhotsk sea high , northward location of subtropical high and stronger indian low , are likely to lead to more rain in shandong province in summer 分析對比旱澇年不同層次高度場以及高低層散度場,結果發現,在春夏季旱澇年,高度場幾個主要的距平中心以及115 130 e區域高( 200hpa )低( 925hpa )層散度場基本呈現出反位相分布特征,北半球夏季存在的東亞-太平洋遙相關型( eap型)對山東夏季降水產生重要影響。

When the southwesterly ( northeasterly ) moisture flux over southern china and its vicinity increased , then more ( less ) water vapor was transported from the low latitudes to the atmosphere over southern china , which resulted in strong ( weak ) atmospheric moisture sinks over the above - regions in southern china 華南中東部以及廣西北音隊湖南西部貴州東部地區水汽匯的強度異常與東亞上空水汽輸送異常導致上述地區垂直積分的水汽通量輻合的異常密切相關,當中國南方上空有西南(東北)風水汽通量距平,即西南風水汽輸送增強(減弱)時,則上述地區上空的水汽匯偏強(偏弱) 。

( 4 ) in summer , tropic west pacific ssta decadal change infect precipitation decadal change in south and north of changjiang river maybe by : positive ssta in tropic west pacific weaken the summer monsoon circulation , lead more precipitation in south of changjiang river and less precipitation in north of it , vice versa ; middle north pacific ssta decadal change infect precipitation decadal change in mid - down valley of changjiang river maybe by : when ssta is negative in middle north pacific , the height field in tropic rises obviously , the subtropical high strengthens and extends westward , the northern limit retreats southward , leads upper trough retreats northward and move eastward , meiyu front moves northward , then leads more precipitation in mid - down valley of changjiang river , vice versa ; middle northwest pacific - low latitude mid - east pacific infects precipitation in north china possibly by change the activity of northeast china cyclone ( 4 )熱帶西太平洋ssta年代際變化影響夏季中國長江南北降水年代際變化的可能機制是熱帶西太平洋海表溫度正(負)異常減弱(加強)東亞夏季風環流,從而使江南降水增加(減少) ,江北降水減少(增加) ;夏季中部北太平洋ssta年代際變化影響中國長江中下游地區夏季降水年代際變化的可能機制是中部北太平洋海表溫度負異常,將導致熱帶地區高度場普遍增高,副高加強西伸,副高北界南退,致使高空槽北縮東移,梅雨鋒西移北進,中國長江游中游、中卜游降水增多,反之亦反;夏季中高緯西北太平洋一低緯中東太平洋反向距平分布結構影響中國東北降水的可能機制是低緯中東太平洋海表溫為負異常。

Characteristics of variation and disturbances in low - latitude ionosphere were investigated based on the data observed in hainan under different magnetic activities and solar activities including variations and disturbances of parameters in different ionospheric layers , behaviors of plasma drift and a comparison with other low - latitude ionospheric station . the disturbance propagations from high to low latitude region during magnetic storm time are also investigated with analyzing the data obtained from the east - asian high - middle latitude stations 本文在觀測數據分析的基礎上研究了不同地磁活動和太陽活動條件下低緯電離層的變化和擾動特性,包括海南電離層各分層的參數變化和擾動特性,電離層漂移的變化特性,并與低緯度地區其他臺站進行了對比分析,還對暴時東亞地區高中緯度地區臺站的觀測資料進行了分析,研究了電離層擾動從高緯到低緯的響應過程。

Several influence factors to result plasma drift in hainan were analyzed . in this paper the characteristics of ionospheric parameters variation were analyzed systematically and some new results in storm - time such as seasonal behaviors were obtained ; it is the first time to investigate the ionospheric drift behavior in hainan and some new results was obtained , the relationships between each two plasma drift velocity components in storm time in hainan were found and the electric filed variation in hainan ionosphere also was obtained ; the results also show that there are big differences of the ionosphere parameters bo and bl obtained from the data with that obtained from the iri - 2001 applied for hainan ; a new phenomena was found during a strong magnetic storm , that a layer with very strong electron density and density grad was found during the recovery phase of the storm , its horizontal scale is beyond 100km and temporal scale is about 2 hours , this phenomena repeated 3 times continuously . a type of negative disturbance in high and low latitude but positive disturbance in east - asia also has been found 本文較為系統地給出了海南地區電離層的參數變化特征,特別是得到了一些暴時與以往不同的季節特性;第一次給出了海南地區的電離層等離子體漂移特征,發現等離子體漂移暴時擾動在三個方向上有內在的聯系,得到了電場變化曲線;研究結果還表明海南電離層的半厚指數和形狀參數等與國際參考電離層iri - 2001存在很大差別;通過對強磁擾動事件期間的參數變化特性分析發現,在磁暴恢復相期間海南地區電離層底部存在一個電子密度非常大的高密度區,高密度區底部電子密度梯度隨高度急劇增加,該區域的水平尺度可達100公里以上時間尺度約為2小時,連續出現過三次,這是一個在海南從來未發現的新現象;研究還發現了暴時東亞地區電離層擾動會出現高低緯負相而中緯正相的現象。

In drought or flood years over the yangtze river basin , the features of the establishment , progression and decrease of moisture transport is significantly different , meanwhile the differences of the moisture transport by the monsoon circulation between mid and low latitudes in the northern hemisphere , and by the subtropical high are obvious , so are their convergence , especially over south china sea , the tropical west pacific , the yangtze river basin , north china and north - east in china ( 4 )長江流域旱澇年亞澳季風區夏季風水汽輸送的建立、推進、減弱的階段性特征顯著不同,對應的中低緯季風環流、副高環流等季風系統水汽輸送、匯合也有顯著差別,尤其是在南海、熱帶西太平洋、長江流域、華北和東北等地區。

Kunming belongs to the low latitude plateau mountainous country monsoon climate , because of locating in the western region of yungui plateau , the degree of latitude is low , the elevation is high , there are the wumeng mountains to be as the natural screen in the north , separating the cold air to go down south , the whole area is subjected to influence that come from southwest and warm moisture of indian ocean s flow more , adding there are the plateau lakes to regulate degree of humidity , becoming the four seasons of “ summer have no intense heat , winter have no strict and cold “ , such as pleasant weather of the spring 昆明屬低緯高原山地季風氣候,由于地處云貴高原西部,緯度低,海拔高,北部有烏蒙山等群山作為天然屏障,阻隔南下的冷空氣,全區多受來自印度洋西南暖濕氣流的影響,加之有高原湖泊滇池陽宗海調節溫濕度,形成“夏無酷暑,冬無嚴寒”四季如春的宜人氣候。年平均氣溫為14 . 5 ,最熱月平均氣溫19 . 7 ,最冷月平均氣溫7 . 5 ,年平均日照時數為2400多小時。

In this paper , decadal variability of tropic and north pacific ' s ssta and of precipitation in china , correlations between them and the possible mechanisms of the ssta decadal change compacting on the precipitation decadal change are analyzed by using ncep globe temperature , wind and height data ( 1948 - 2001 ) , coads ssta data ( 1900 - 2001 ) and 147 stations “ precipitation data in china . results show that : ( 1 ) mid - high latitude north pacific and tropic west pacific ssta have obvious decadal change , the prior ' s decadal change has great variance and the latter ' s has great contribution in total variance , the main eigenvectors “ distribution are stable in eof of tropic and north pacific ssta ' s decadal variability , the key area of the first eigenvector allots in two sides of tropic pacific ; the second one ' s allots in mid - high latitude northwest pacific and low latitude mid - east pacific which vary contrary ; the third one ' s allots in middle north pacific 本文利用ncep資料( 1948 - 2001年)中的全球表面溫度場、風場、高度場資料, coads ( 1900 - 2001年)海表面溫度距平資料及中國147個站點1951 - 2001年共51年的降水資料,探討了熱帶及北太平洋ssta 、中國降水的年代際變化特征,夏季熱帶及北太平洋ssta年代際變化與中國夏季降水年代際變化的耦合相互關系以及夏季熱帶及北太平洋ssta年代際變化影響中國夏季降水年代際變化的可能機制,結果表明: ( 1 )北太平洋中高緯與熱帶西太平洋均有明顯的年代際變化,北太平洋中高緯年代際變化方差顯著,而熱帶西太平洋年代際變化方差貢獻顯著。

The results indicated that the lrgr mean winter rainfall longitudinally distributed along river , while the unique topography of lrgr did not obviously have impact on the winter rainfall ; the winter temperature distribution was like belt , which decreased from low latitude to high latitude ; the passing - obstructing effect of lrgr cannot be clearly showed with the winter temperature distribution ; but such effect is obvious over nu - valley and lancang - valley 結果表明:縱向嶺谷區多年平均冬季降水空間上沿河流呈縱向分布;但縱向嶺谷獨特地形對冬季降水變化的空間分布影響不明顯;冬季氣候平均溫度大致呈東西向帶狀分布,由低緯到高緯溫度逐漸遞減;在區域上,縱向嶺谷獨特地形的“通道阻隔”作用對冬季溫度空間分布的影響不明顯;但在怒江和瀾滄江流域,這種影響則較為明顯。

The main relative systems of heavy - hard rainfall in northeast plateau are western pacific subtropical high , south asia high , low latitude systems , upper level jet ( ulj ) , low level greater wind speed axes , westerly trough and plateau trough , low level vortex , cold frontal , occluded front in qinghai lake , mesoscale low pressure , heat low - pressure in qinghai , shear line and convergence line , mesoscale cloud cluster , etc . the west subsidiary model of south asia high is the main circulation type of heavy - hard rainfall in this area 3 、西太平洋副高、南亞高壓、低緯系統、高空急流、低空大風速軸;西風槽和高原槽、低渦、冷鋒、青海湖錮囚鋒以及中尺度低壓、青海熱低壓、切變線與輻合線、中尺度云團等系統是高原東北部地區大到暴雨的主要相關系統。 100hpa上的南亞高壓中心強度加強,位置東西擺動預示高原地區將有降水產生,中心強度減弱,降水過程結束。南亞高壓西部副型是高原東北部地區大到暴雨的主要流型。

The most obvious feature of the first leading term of eof applied to the climatic vertically integrated water vapor flux over asian - australian monsoon region shows a planetary - scale southwesterly moisture transport , starting from south hemisphere , passing over asian monsoon region and flowing into north pacific , which indicates the interaction between the northern and southern hemisphere as well as between mid and low latitudes in the northern hemisphere ( 3 )亞澳季風區氣候平均狀態下4 - 9月份的水汽通量的eof矢量展開的第一特征向量最顯著的特征是存在一條行星尺度的強西南風水汽輸送帶,它源于南半球低緯地區,經過亞洲季風區,進入北太平洋地區,集中反映了南北半球和中低緯各支水汽輸送氣流的相互作用。

Results as following : in the east china sea and the yellow sea , zooplankton showed higher diversity in the low latitude and warm species occurred mainly in the south of 31 n , five communities were distinguished by twinspan method , based on data of species composition and environmental factors . they are : i ) yellow sea neritic community ( f ) with indicator species of labidocera euchaeta in autumn and centropages mcmurrichi in spring ; ii ) yellow sea central community ( hc ) with indicator species of themisto gracilipes , calanus sinicus and euphausia pacifica , the latter two species occurred only in autumn ; iii ) east china sea continental shelf mixed water community ( k ) with indicator species such as rhincalanus cornutus and pterosagitta draco which were confined in waters with high temperature and salinity , iv ) yellow sea and east china sea mixed water community ( he ) and v ) east china sea inshore mixed water community ( m ) 根據twinspan等多元分析結果,比較各組群的浮游動物種類組成和環境特征,可將東、黃海浮游動物群落分為5個,黃海沿岸群落( f ) ,指示種秋季為真刺唇角水蚤,春季為墨氏胸刺水蚤;黃海中部群落( hc ) ,指示種以細長腳蟲戎為主,秋季還有中華哲水蚤和太平洋磷蝦;東海外陸架高溫高鹽群落( k ) ,指示種為角錨哲水蚤、飛龍翼箭蟲等多種狹布型暖水種類;黃東海交匯區群落( he )和東海近岸混合群落( m ) ,兩群落包含多種生態類型種類,其中溫帶近岸低鹽種在he中較多,廣布性暖水種在m群落中較多。

By using ncep / ncar reanalysis data of height and wind , the inter - monthly lpac map , the climate lapc map , inter - annual anomaly map and mean variance map of monthly wind field of 850 and 500hpa and monthly height field of 850 , 500 , 150 , 30hpa are calculated in a globe - belt area , which situates between 30 s and 75 n , from december 1957 to december 1997 , according them we analysis the rule of the season transfer and anomaly of nh mean circulation . the results show that the climate map of lapc can describe the seasonal transfer process of large scale circulation better . the advance process of summer circulation establish is form south to north at the middle and lower level of the troposphere , that is reflected primly in the inter - monthly wind and pressure map of lapc ; at lower lever of stratosphere , the establish process is simulate to that of troposphere , and reflect of process of that the south asia high toward plateau ; at middle stratosphere the summer circulation establish begins at middle and high latitude initially , and then transmits to low latitude gradually , while the seasonal variability in mid - stratosphere is stronger than it in troposphere and low - stratosphere 利用ncep ncar再分析高度場和風場資料,計算了30 s 75 n球帶區域1957年12月至1997年12月逐月850 、 500hpa風場及850 、 500 、 150 、 30hpa高度場月際局地型相似系數圖、多年平均圖(即氣候lpac圖) 、年際異常圖及均方差圖,在此基礎上,分析了北半球平均環流季節轉換及其異常的規律。分析表明,氣候局地型相似系數圖較好地給出了大尺度環流季節轉換發生的過程:在對流層中、下部,風、壓場月際局地型相似系數圖清楚地反映了夏季型環流建立由南向北的推進過程;低平流層夏季型環流的建立與對流層接近,其中,南亞高壓上高原過程有明顯反映:中平流層,夏季型環流的建立明顯表現為從中、高緯度開始,逐步向低緯傳播的特征,且變化較對流層和低平流層明顯。

Tropic west pacific is the key area which infect precipitation in north of changejiang river greater ; middle north pacific is the key area compacting precipitation in middle and down changjiang river valley and heavier ; and middle northwest pacific - low latitude mid - east pacific are key areas infecting precipitation in north china more obviously 江北降水的關鍵岡影響中國長江中下游地區及其兩側降水的關鍵區在中緯中部北太平洋;影響中國東北降水的關鍵區是中緯西北太平洋與低緯中東太平洋的反向耦合結構。

The development of these new varieties ( strains ) indicated that using the summer type variety from low latitude area as the high - protein parent , and local high - yield accessions as the recurrent parental lines in modified backcross is an efficient strategy for high - protein , high - yield soybean breeding 育種實踐證明,選擇低緯度地區的夏大豆品種(系)作高蛋白基因源,創造高蛋白中間材料,采用本地豐產材料進行修飾回交,是高蛋白、高產大豆育種的一種有效方法。

The amount of sunspots on the photosphere is periodic with a period of about 11 years . at the beginning of the period , sunspots will appear at higher latitudes i . e . far away from the equator of the sun . then , the number of sunspots will increase and they will appear at lower latitudes 太陽黑子的多寡變化有一個十一年的周期,在周期之始,黑子基本上出現在緯度較高的地方即離太陽赤道較遠,接著太陽黑子數目會不斷增多,并且會向赤道靠攏。

The armed helicopter plays a remarkable role in modern war day by day . it is the most important weapon to capture and control the air supremacy of low latitude or extreme low - altitude and it has superiority that other aviation aircraft cannot be substituted 武裝直升機在現代戰爭中的作用日益顯著,是奪取并控制低空超低空制空權最重要的武器系統,有著其他航空飛行器無可替代的優越性。

Such a response depends on the strength of the interplanetary shock : for a stronger shock , the new region current gets stronger , extends for a longer distance towards the equator , and reaches a lower latitude 這一響應過程和行星際激波強度有關:激波強度越強,新生的區場向電流也越強,它向赤道方向延伸的距離也越大,能到達的緯度也越低。

Of all the clonal plants , root - derived forms of clonal plants are more abundance in warmer and wetter habitats corresponding to preference for a lower latitude and / or lower elevation 根起源克隆植物在低緯度、低海拔,以及較溫暖、濕潤的生境中豐富度較高,相反,莖起源克隆植物在高緯度、高海拔,較寒冷、干旱的生境中豐富度較高。