uploads/low blow.jpg

low blow 1.【拳擊】打擊腰部以下部位〔犯規動作〕。2.卑劣的行動...

low camp

Abstract : it describes the effect of the operation at low air pressure and low blowing capacity of unit volume on the direct recovery index , and proposes the design basis of air pressure , blowing rate of converter 文摘:闡述了低風壓、低單位容積風量操作對轉爐直收率等指標的影響,提出轉爐吹煉風壓、風量設計的依據。

With neither a brilliant plumage nor a melodic song to set it apart from other birds , the crow might seem to have been dealt a low blow 既無華麗的羽毛也無美妙的歌喉使烏鴉從其他鳥類中脫穎而出,這似乎使烏鴉受到了一個小小的打擊。

Gotta collect call , they done locked up my folks low blow , hit me in the left ventricle 別把我當作花朵…來對待不要用愛把我關起來

That was a low blow . = that was unfair and inappropriate to say or to do 那么說或者做是既不公平也不正當的。

Phone ringing that - that ' s a low blow 那些那些卑鄙勾當

[ phone ringing ] that - - that ' s a low blow 那些…那些卑鄙勾當

[ bell rings ] that last low blow will cost you the round , max 剛才那計低拳會讓你輸掉比賽,麥克斯

Look at this ! no low blows means no low blows 看這個!不準低拳

Bell rings that last low blow will cost you the round , max 剛才那計低拳會讓你輸掉比賽,麥克斯

No low blows ! l ' ll take care of this , joe 不準低拳!我會處理的,喬伊

No low blows ! i ' ll take care of this , joe 不準低拳!我會處理的,喬伊

That ' s a low blow . - it ' s just a joke 那可不用怎么光明正大-這只是個玩笑

- that ' s a low blow . - it ' s just a joke -那可不用怎么光明正大-這只是個玩笑

Will leave u low blow ur mind , blow ur mind 將讓你變得卑賤,且沖擊你的神經