uploads/low beam.jpg

low beam 車頭短焦距光。

low blow

The low beam clear distinguishes the light and shadow parts with obvious dividing line , what is the legal excellent light shape and will be soft to vehicle and passerby 近光燈影明暗分明,截止線清晰可見。具有符合法規的良好配光光形,對車輛及行人不會造成刺眼的亮光。

He stooped under the low beam 他在低矮的橫梁下彎著腰

Enduro - style , 60 / 55 - watt halogen headlight features high / low beams 耐用的60 / 55瓦遠近光鹵素前大燈。

Study on automatic control system for automobile high - low beams 遠近光燈變換自動控制系統研究

I bumped my head on the low beam . 我的頭撞到低梁上了。