
low adj.1.低的;淺的,矮的。 low flight 低...

low beam

These materials exhibit low strength . 這些材料具有低強度。

Neaps are generally 20 per cent lower than average tides . 小潮比平時低20。

He reappeared lower down the stream . 他又在下游露過幾次面。

A man 's voice is usually lower than a woman 's . 男子的嗓音通常比女子的低。

Strongly acid peat soils are often low in calcium . 強酸性泥炭土常呈現低鈣。

The pipe may tend to become clogged near the lower end . 管道下端易于堵塞。

He spoke a few words, his voice low and calm . 他說了幾句話,聲音低而平和。

Dark clouds were flying low across the sky . 烏云在低空翻滾。

I find it as low as the 18th century . 我發現近在18世紀也有。

My office was so low that people avoided me . 我的職位低微,大家都不理我。

We wish to lower the temperature of something . 我們想降低一些物體的溫度。

All right, but i feel a little low about it . 好吧,不過我總覺得有點泄氣。

The low tastes just cater his needs . 這些低級趣味正從其所好。

The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low . 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。

The sky was grey and the clouds were heavy and low . 天空陰沉,烏云低矮。

His salary is low and he gets few luxuries ... 他的薪水低,很少買奢侈品。

Boldly, he addressed me in a low voice . 這人神氣十足地,悄悄地跟我搭話。

The long lower hall had not beet lighted . 樓下的長廊沒有點燈。

In a low voice the correspondent addressed the captain . 記者低聲喊船長。