
lover n.洛弗〔姓氏〕。


Although she never admitted it, i guessed from listening to her that she and philby must have been lovers in the 1930s . 雖然她從未承認過,但從她的談話中我猜得出來,她和菲爾比在30年代也必定是一對情人。

Thereupon, finding tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her . 那些丈夫和情人們,看到苔絲讓人這樣威懾勢凌,有欠公道,就想幫助苔絲一下,好使爭端平息。

Had i been merely a lover of fine scenery, i should have felt little desire to seek elsewhere its gratification . 如果我只是為了欣賞優美的風景,我就用不著到別的地方去尋求這種欲望的滿足感。

It covered itself with its shell-as the saint in his piety, as the sage in his wisdom, as the lover in his hope . 它鉆在自己的軀殼里,就象圣徒在虔誠禮拜,智者在鉆研知識,情人在冀望幸福。

It makes her dilemma more painful, and the effort of choosing between her father and her lover almost impossible . 這種進退兩難的局面使她更痛苦,要在父親與情人中作出選擇簡直是不可能的。

Meg laughed at the queer look which the sisters exchanged as she thus described her supposed lover . 當麥格這么描述她那個假想的情人時,姐妹們交換了一下困惑的眼色。麥格見狀笑了起來。

He dreaded to contemplate thomasin wedded to the mere corpse of a lover that he now felt himself to be . 他一想朵蓀要嫁的是他現在這樣一個槁木死灰的情人,他可就不敢再往那方面想了。

However, no lovers in romance ever cemented a more instantaneous friendship than we did . 雖然這樣說,我們兩人立刻就作了朋友,無論什么小說上男女一見就相愛,也沒有我們這樣快。

Three or four francie's lovers now appeared, one after the other; she had made each promise to come early . 這時佛蘭茜的情人陸續來了三四個;是她事先逼著每一個人應早到的。

Did you ever try to excite his jealousy by boasting of a lover so far above you in station ? 你究竟有沒有對他夸說過有這樣一位身價地位比你高得多的情人,用來引起他的嫉妒?

She stood on tiptoe, looking over mary's shoulders into the room where she suspected a lover to be lurking . 她于是踮起腳尖,打瑪麗的肩頭看出去,她疑心有個情人躲在里面。

He had nipped in the bud the possible meeting between eustacia and her old lover this very night . 當天晚上,游苔莎跟她的舊情人可能的會晤,剛一發芽,就讓他給掐掉了。

Equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover . 同樣,痛失這位美女的情郎,應該是最適宜敘述這件事情的人了。

Either deer or lovers had lain in this grass near the elm, for it was flattened . 可能是野鹿或者是情人在大榆樹旁邊的草地上躺過,因為那片草地已經被壓平了。

The freethinker hated the formalist; the lover of liberty detested the disciplinarian . 自由思想者總是不喜歡拘泥形式者,愛好自由者總是憎惡清規戒律者。

The young lovers are destroyed in trying to heal the senselessly bitter division . 一對年輕戀人試圖彌合這種毫無意義的仇隙,結果卻是自身遭到毀滅。

The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses . 情人們一點也受不住旁人拿他們情侶的名字開玩笑。

A stamp lover never peels stamps off envelopes. he always soaks them off . 集郵迷從來不把郵票從信封上剝下來,他總是要把它們浸透自然脫下。

Immediately below and almost as prominent was the slogan: as gentle as your dream lover . 下面是一行同樣顯眼的口號:如夢中情人一樣溫柔。