
lovelorn adj.失戀的,害相思病的,苦戀的。


Unrequited loves when is the twilight early morning , all are happy , but also some dimly will look at not the clear future ; but is in love time likes afternoon 1 、 2 o ' clock when the weather , the sunlight is much warmer , that kind of extremely strong excited , not really stimulates lets the person think ; but is lovelorn time likes the night , some one kind is cold the brokenhearted feeling , moreover extremely cold and dreary , lets the person feel very sadly 許志安:暗戀時是微明的清晨,一切都是美好的,還有些朦朧看不清楚未來;而熱戀的時候則像下午一兩點時的天氣,陽光熱烈得刺眼,那種十分濃烈的興奮,刺激得讓人覺得不真實;而等到失戀的時候則像夜晚,有一種寒冷得讓人心碎的感覺,而且十分凄冷,讓人感覺很憂傷。

Last night mrs bailey , 47 , revealed how the lovelorn bird tries to impress her when they are alone . “ he looks right into my eyes and puts on what i can only describe as a mating display , with his wings up and his head bowed down , “ she said 昨天, 47歲的蓓莉小姐講述了跟這只鵜鶘獨處時,這只害了相思病的鳥兒是如何跟她示愛的: “它深深凝望我的雙眼,張開了它的翅膀,低下頭靠近我,就像對待情人一樣。 ”

Two lovelorn people living under the shadow of death find solace in a promise to fulfill each other dying wishes - to have one - time romance . however , through a twisted fate , she discover that she has been sleeping with the enemy . . . . 她覺得父親的死跟這個照相機有著千絲萬縷的關系,于是順藤摸瓜,找到的人竟是自己的哥哥!最可怕的是她現在的哥哥竟不是小時候的哥哥。張融用極端的方法逼問出事情的真相。

Is lovelorn the feeling is just like homeless to roam about the dog , always felt everywhere runs into a wall ; perhaps has the good intention the person is willing to give shelter to , but will feeladapts with difficulty , would rather continues to roam about 陳小春:失戀的感覺就好比一頭無家可歸的流浪狗,總是感到處處碰壁;或許有好心的人愿意收留,但不免會感到難以適應,情愿繼續流浪。

Is lovelorn said is the conclusion , was inferior to said is a new start , because is lovelorn always because of that section of affection some questions , human ' s question perhaps the environment question , first personally meets has new lu yaozou 陳潔儀:與其說是結束,不如說是一個新的開始,因為失戀總是因為那段戀情有些問題,人的問題或是環境的問題,前面會有新的路要走。

He stayed at anfield and , as the summer wore on , it looked as if the stamford bridge club would again be lovelorn , with andriy shevchenko continuing to be oblivious to chelsea ' s charms 他留守安菲爾德,隨著夏季漸去,看來似乎斯坦福橋會再次成為被愛遺忘的角落,比如安德烈-舍甫琴科一再無視切爾西對其的好感。

Pretty soon the sites were full of lovelorn prose from sister lotus , along with titillating - - but clad - - photos showing her in a variety of poses that must seem arty in shaanxi 于是,很快網站上便到處充斥著芙蓉姐姐有關愛情的隨筆,并配著她搔首弄姿,頗有些陜西藝術特色的照片。

Lovelorn staff at a japanese marketing company can take paid time off after a bad break - up with a partner , and more “ heartache leave “ on offer when they get older 日本一家營銷公司日前規定,員工失戀后可享受帶薪假期。而且隨著年齡的增長,這種“療傷假”會增多。

From gillens hairdressers window a composite portrait shows him gallant nelson s image . a concave mirror at the side presents to him lovelorn longlost lugubru booloohoom 隔著吉倫理發店的窗戶可以瞥見一幀綜合照片16 ,映出納爾遜的瀟灑英姿。

Thorton ' s character makes fun of a lovelorn jon heder in the film , suggesting that he ' s “ one step away from adopting a chinese baby . 桑頓在片中扮演的角色取笑一位名為喬恩赫德的失戀者,稱這個傷心的人“距收養中國孤兒僅一步之遙” 。

Thorton ‘ s character makes fun of a lovelorn jon heder in the film , suggesting that he ‘ s “ one step away from adopting a chinese baby . 桑頓在片中扮演的角色取笑一位名為喬恩?赫德的失戀者,稱這個傷心的人“距收養中國孤兒僅一步之遙” 。

Thorton s character makes fun of a lovelorn jon heder in the film , suggesting that he s “ one step away from adopting a chinese baby . 桑頓在片中扮演的角色取笑一位名為喬恩赫德的失戀者,稱這個傷心的人“距收養中國孤兒僅一步之遙” 。

: especially for single - frightened disease . efficient for lovelorn and lovesick people , also can widely applied to raising children and houseworking 主治單身恐懼癥,對失戀和相思病有明顯效果,亦可用于燒淘洗買、帶孩子。

Some of the classic of poetry , too , gives an account of the lovelorn grief and the unfortunate marriage , for instance , the deserted wife of wei 《詩經》的一些詩也描寫了失戀的痛苦和婚姻的不幸,比如《衛風?氓》 。

The recently lovelorn nana wins a pair of tickets to see her favorite band , trapnest , in concert and invites nana along 他的眼睛是睜開的,有些影象進入他的眼球,卻是要在后來才能想起,并且辨識的。

Anyone who reads the british national papers on 14 february will see romantic britons at their most lovelorn , cryptic and erotic 翻開2月14日的英國報紙,誰都會看到浪漫的英國人為相思而備受折磨。

Under is the stars is lovelorn later has said the speech . has looked under the friends , you like the speech which star said 看過的朋友們,不知道你們喜歡下面哪位明星的失戀語錄呢?

Is lovelorn is in the basketball game movement violates a regulation . so long as again came to be allowed 吳大維:失戀就是籃球比賽的動作上犯規,沒關系,只要重來就可以了。

And the way she tugged at your heartstrings as chow yun - fat ' s lovelorn war - bride in the solvil et titus ads 還有身為周潤發害相思病的戰爭新娘,她那拉扯你心弦的演出方式。