
lovelace n.薄情寡義的浪蕩子,登徒子〔原為 Richardson...


A partial list of awards includes : medal of achievement from the american electronics association warnock and charles geschke are the first software leaders to receive this award ; entrepreneur of the year from ernst young , merrill lynch and inc . magazine ; lifetime achievement award for technical excellence from pc magazine ; acm systems award ; the bodleian medal ; the land medal ; the lovelace medal ; and dozens of others 以下僅列出部分獎項:美國電子協會頒發的功勛獎章warnock和charles geschke是最先獲得該獎章的軟件行業領袖ernst young merrill lynch和inc . magazine授予的年度企業家獎pc magazine頒發的技術卓越終身成就獎acm軟件系統獎bodleian medal land medal lovelace medal等獎項。

In the novelisation of the screenplay by delos w lovelace , kong ' s paw picks off her flimsy garments and she shudders as she begs her stalwart human rescuer not to let the filthy beast touch her again 由德羅斯w勒夫雷斯小說化的劇本,金剛的巨掌剝下?的薄紗,而她顫抖著求強壯的人類救援者不要讓這骯臟的野獸再碰她。

Lovelace : turn to the penguin next to you . . . and give him a great big hug 拉雷絲:轉向你旁邊的企鵝… …然后給他一個巨大的擁抱!

Before we announce to the world that our firm of lovelace and co. can't meet its engagement, we try to make compromises . 在我們向世界宣布我們的勒夫列斯公司倒閉以前,總要采取一些中間步驟。