
lovebird 相思鳥〔鸚鵡類〕。


To give such lovebirds a chance to recreate some of the intimacy of sharing a drink , lee and chung have incorporated a variety of coloured leds , liquid sensors and wireless gprs or wi - fi links into a pair of glass tumblers 為了使這些情侶也能多少體會到一些共同飲酒時的親密感覺,他們在兩只平底酒杯上安裝了彩色發光二極管液體傳感器和無線連接裝置。

We set our cage in front of a shaded window . then we waited until the crumpled envelope marked “ lovebirds “ was full of bills and spare change 我們把鳥籠放在一個有陰涼的窗下,然后等待著有一天那個皺巴巴的、上面寫著“情侶鸚鵡”的信封里面裝滿了紙幣和多余的硬幣。

Fred : you two make such a cute couple , just like a couple of lovebirds ( 2 ) . don ' t let him boss you around , though . some lovebirds are bossy ( 3 ) lovebirds 弗來德:你們就像一對愛情鳥,真是天生的一對。不能總是讓他命令你做事情,有些愛情鳥是很霸道的。

Black - cheeked parrots that also called lovebirds at bristol zoo gardens celebrate the coming of valentine ' s day on february 13 , 2008 in bristol , u . k 2月13日,英國布里斯托爾動物園內的黑頰愛情鳥(鸚鵡的一種)也高興地“慶祝”情人節的到來。

A pair of lovebird pavilions standing on hilltops . dear passionate tourists , why not sing a song of love to each other just like the lovebirds 一對亭子,屹立于山巔。多情的游客,為何不各自一邊,唱一首愛的忠貞,如何

The place is choc - a - bloc with canoodling lovebirds , so much so that i often felt i was the only lone traveller in the whole country 這地方總是有許多摟抱在一起的情侶,多到讓我常覺得自己在這個國度里是唯一孤單的游客。

And one day we started saving up for a couple of lovebirds of our own : the feathery kind 我們開始攢錢給自己買一對情侶鸚鵡,羽毛輕軟的那種。

Anyway , the more we heard the term “ lovebirds , “ the more we thought about birds 不管怎么說,我們越是聽“恩愛鳥”這個詞,就越是琢磨小鳥。

Fly the lovebirds 愛情鳥到處飛翔

To little lovebirds *對于愛情鳥們*

Fred : do i hear wedding bells ? wedding bells for the lovebirds 弗來德:我是不是聽見婚禮的鐘聲了?為愛情鳥敲響的婚禮鐘聲?

So , mark , bridg ] et , when are you two lovebirds g ] oing ] to name the day 馬克,布里奇特你們小兩口打算什么時候結婚?

So , mark , bridg et , when are you two lovebirds g oing to name the day 馬克,布里奇特你們小兩口打算什么時候結婚?

The flirtation between lovebirds is also simply about the several specified steps 情侶調情,也不外乎那幾個步驟。

Grandmother is dead . everything ' s worked out for our lovebirds 祖母死了,我們的愛情鳥的所有問題都迎刃而解了

So , have you two lovebirds set a date 你們兩個小情人的日子了嗎

Over the garden wall , two little lovebirds - cuckoo to you 花園墻上,兩只小鳥?對你鳴唱!

Look at the lovebirds . they ' re at it again 看那對小鴛鴦.他們又膩在一起了

Angelo , let ' s leave the two lovebirds alone Angelo ,還是讓這對小情侶單獨呆會吧