
love n.1.愛,熱愛,愛戴。 give [send] one...

love affair

My love of talk still abides with me . 我還保持著喜歡談天的習慣。

The chinese are praised for loving peace . 中國人以愛好和平見稱。

He said he would love her till the end of time . 他說天長地久永遠愛她。

He has fallen in love with the actress . 他已經愛上了這個女演員。

Only provincials love such gadgets . 只有粗俗的人才喜歡玩這玩意。

Men and women are happy when they love . 男女相愛的時候是幸福的。

He yearned for romance and beauty and love . 他向往著浪漫,美麗和愛情。

For the love of god , not another bill ! 看在上帝的份上,別再來賬單了。

I love this house and everything in it . 我愛這座房子及里邊的每件事物。

She loves to be the centre of interest . 她喜歡成為引人注目的中心人物。

Love is never quite devoid of sentimentality . 愛情從來免不了多愁善感。

By degrees their friendship grew into love . 他們的友誼漸漸發展成愛情。

The highest form of vanity is love of fame . 最高的虛榮是愛名望。

She did not know the actual fire of love . 她不懂什么是真正的愛情之火。

Love is an extremely exacting usurer . 愛情,是一個極其苛刻的高利貸者。

I shall desire more love and knowledge of you . 我希望能再多和您來往。

Faults are thick where love is thin . 愛情淡薄時,樣樣都不順眼。

I'd love to take credit for that decision . 我很想要稱道那個決定。

Love is necessary to a successful union . 美滿的婚姻必定需要愛情。