
lovage n.【植物;植物學】1.(用作調味香料等的)拉維紀草。2...


Kejun bathing foot powder : it contains some chinese herbal medicines such as pseudolarix , szechwan lovage rhizome , common cnidium fruit , cassia twig and etc 科菌沐足粉:含土槿皮、苦參、白蘚皮、蛇床子、桂枝等中草藥材。

To observe the clinical efficacy and immunlogic assay of curing atrophic arthritis with decotion of lovage jisheng and moxibustion 獨活寄生湯加艾灸治療類風濕性關節炎療效觀察及免疫學指標分析

Root of kudzuvine , red sage root , rhizome of sichuan lovage and cassia twig , etc . 2 主要成份:眼肉葛根丹參川芎桂枝等。

Levisticum officinale koch oil of roots of lovage levisticum officinale koch 圓葉當歸根根油