
lov LOV=low-occupancy vehicle載客量...


A careless [ ord may [ [ ndle str [ fe ; a cruel [ ord may [ rec [ a l [ fe ; a t [ mely [ ord may level stress ; a lov [ ng [ ord may heal and bless 無心快語可能引發爭執,無情之詞可能折損生命,適時溫語可能消弭壓力,而關愛之聲可能治愈心靈。

The only thing that i can do is to practice diligently and work through my karma in order to repay her for her holy lov e 千言萬語說不盡對師父的感激之情,只能好好修行,克服自己的業障,回報師父的圣愛!

Adopt the unique “ v “ tyre bag structure , increasing effecfive filtering area , lov resistarce . and long service life 采用獨特“ v ”形濾袋結構,增大有效過濾面積,阻力低,使用壽命長

Faith . hope . lov 信望愛

I just want to meet somebody , fall madly in lov e , and run away with him 我只想遇到一個人,瘋狂地愛上他,然后同他一起私奔。

Henceforth will i look on all things with lov eand i will be born again 從今往后,我對一切都要滿收愛心,這樣才能獲得新生。

Lower order virtual container lov 低階虛容器

Shall never be by woman lov ' d 將絕不被婦女所愛。

Which i so lov ' d and gave thee 給你的那條我的心愛的手帕

Othello : that handkerchief that i so lov ' d and gave thee (奧瑟羅)你把我給你的那條我的心愛的手帕

. . which i so lov ' d and gave thee 給你的那條我的心愛的手帕…