
louvre n.(巴黎的)盧浮宮〔現為世界著名美術博物館之一〕。


Business superior big bed room nanyang king s gate hotel - la grand louvre business hotel reservation 商務高級大床房,廣州南洋長勝酒店盧浮宮商務會所預訂

Jack pan : so far , what has been the most challenging task as the director of the louvre 潘杰客:到目前為止,作為盧浮宮的館長最具有挑戰性的工作是什麼?

Jack pan : as the director of the louvre , how do you attract more people to classical art 潘杰客:作為盧浮宮的館長,你怎樣吸引更多的人來欣賞古典藝術?

The creation of the great castle was due to louis xiv who abandoned the louvre to build a royal palace 它是歐洲最繁華的一座宮殿,氣勢磅礴,布局嚴密。

Business superior twin room nanyang king s gate hotel - la grand louvre business hotel reservation 商務高級雙床房,廣州南洋長勝酒店盧浮宮商務會所預訂

Ventilation for buildings - terminals - performance testing of louvres subject to simulated sand 建筑物的通風.通氣終端裝置.百葉窗的模擬砂塵性能試驗

Ventilation for buildings - terminals - performance testing of louvres subjected to simulated rain 建筑物的通風.終端.百葉窗經受模擬雨淋的性能試驗

Ventilation for buildings - terminals - performance testing of louvres subjected to simulated rain 建筑物的通風.終端.放氣窗經受模擬雨淋的性能試驗

The louvre says the most recent analysis can be done without taking the painting out of the public eye 羅浮宮稱最近在公眾關注下對畫像做了分析。

To climate changes . the painting will remain on display during the testing , the louvre said 盧浮宮方面說,測試期間蒙娜麗莎仍將向公眾展出。

Two of france ' s most famous tourist attractions are the eiffel tower and the louvre museum 法國最著名的兩個觀光勝地就是艾菲爾鐵塔和盧浮宮。

Jack pan : i have seen the little toy boy with the drum on top of the louvre 潘杰客:我在盧浮宮外墻的上面看見一個打鼓的小男孩玩偶。

No other painting in the immense galleries of the louvre gets this treatment 在這龐大的藝術館走廊里,沒有其他任何一幅畫享有如此厚遇。

Air inlet louvre 進氣百葉窗

All to the louvre 去盧浮宮

[ all ] to the louvre 去盧浮宮

He hit the tate in london , the louvre in paris , twice , and the prado 倫敦泰德美術館,其中兩次竊掠了巴黎盧浮宮還有普拉多博物館

This was what a king ' s palace , a louvre , a hotel de saint - pol was then 這就是當時一座宮殿、一座盧浮宮、一座圣波爾行宮的情況。

A benevolent art collector has donated over 100 masterpieces to the louvre 一位善心的藝術收藏家捐贈超過一百件巨作給羅浮宮。