
louver 短語和例子louver, louvren.1.【建筑】固...

louver shutter

Mean while , the iouver concentrator structure principle is analyzed , the iouver puiverized coal concentrator is studied on the bases of both laboratory and production . lt is discovered from the experiments that the louver horizontai rich / lean combustion pulverized coal burner has advantages of simple in structure , low resistance and adjustment of pc concentration 同時,重點分析了百葉窗濃縮器的結構原理,并在試驗臺上和現場對百葉窗煤粉濃縮器進行了大量的試驗研究,結果表明:百葉窗式水平濃淡煤粉燃燒器具有結構簡單、阻力損失小、分離調節方便等一系列優點。

The profession of our company is to produce the leaf , top and bottom of the louver curtain , and the finished products , etc . our big leaf wooden curtains take the high - quality basswood from the chinese northeast as the raw material , adopting the international top - grade equipments and crafts , experienced administrative personnel manage the production , the products are finished with exquisite process . with the development of the society , our company would like to strengthen the contact with international friends and local customers through the network , to make our products acquire further development and progress , and to make more customers benefit 本公司專業生產木制百葉窗簾的葉片?封板?上下軌?封套及成品等.我們的木制百葉窗簾是以中國東北的優質椴木為原料,采用國際上一流的設備和工藝,由多年從事百葉窗簾生產的專業人員精致加工而成.隨著社會的不斷進步,本公司希望通互聯網這個平臺加強與國內外客戶勾通和聯系,使本公司的產品再進一步的提高和完善,使我們的客戶受惠更多。

Products series provided by greenheck includes : fans and ventilators , centrifugal and vane axial fans , kitchen ventilation system , damper , louvers , make - up air units and energy recovery ventilators 格林瀚克提供完整的產品系列,包含一般風機與通風設備、商用及工業用離心式風機、軸流式風機、廚房通風系統、風閥、百葉、新風機組及能源回收通風系統。

Profile > nitto kogyo corporation is the leading manufacture of enclosures for electric equipments , and relevant parts and devices in japan . < products > enclosure , cooling unit , heat - exchanger , fan , louver 介紹>日東工業株式會社是生產機電設備及箱體、機器的日本一流企業。 箱體、冷氣機、熱交換器、換氣扇、百葉窗。

The unique blade louver damper with heared sear air is the solution to large crosssection / high temperature damper applications such as air heater isolation , fgd systems 帶加熱密封空氣的單層葉片百葉窗式檔板門,可用于大截面煙道檔板門和高溫檔板門.例如:空氣加熱器的隔絕門,煙氣脫硫系統中

Mainly used in air conditioner louver , small cooling , heating fan etc wind guiding doard of fission air conditioner in house , wind heating board 主要用于房間空調器分體系列室內機導風板,以及暖風器等導風板上,整機性能穩定,各項技術參數達到和超過了國家電子行業標準sj t10689 - 95

1 inspect the convenience and reliability of all kinds of doors 、 windows 、 manhole covers 、 hatch . inspect the closing of louver of funnel 檢查各種門、窗、人孔蓋、煙囪百葉窗、艙口蓋操作的便利性和可靠性。檢測煙囪百葉窗的閉合性。

These louvers are also made of glass to blend with the building skin and have fritted patterns to reduce transparency to the working interior 百葉窗也用玻璃制成以配合建筑表面風格,其燒結多孔圖案可減少對工作室內的透射。

Acoustic enclosure , acoustic louver , acoustic panel , door and window , acoustic silencer , noise absorption material , vibration isolator 噪音控制設備隔音罩、隔音板、門及窗、滅聲器、吸音材料、防震器

External finishes such as wall tiling and rendering including finishes to hoods and surrounds louvers common parts only and cladding 外墻飾面,例如外墻瓷磚及批蕩,包括窗臺及窗檐的飾面

The statue treasure venus in the louver shows the glowing mien of the godess of beauty to thousands of eyes 巴黎羅浮宮的雕塑珍品維納斯,把美神的奕奕神采,展現于千千萬萬的明眸之中。

Standard specification for insect screening and louver cloth woven fromvinyl - coated glass yarns 涂乙烯的玻璃纖維紗編織的防蟲罩及排氣孔遮布的標準規范

Air inlet louver 進氣百葉

Air inlet louvers 進氣百葉窗

Louvers and vents 通風和排氣口

Louver shielding angle 遮板遮光角

Experimental and numerical investigation of thermoelectric sma actuator of micro thermal louvers 組合相變材料儲熱的實驗研究

Aumnium alloy profiles for pad eyes , fillet , fillet trough and louver blade1 扣板、壓線、壓座及百頁片鋁合金型材1

Aumnium alloy profiles for pad eyes , fillet , fillet trough and louver blade2 扣板、壓線、壓座及百頁片鋁合金型材2