
lout n.蠢人,丑角般人物。vt.愚弄;嘲弄,把…當作蠢人。


Time they were stopping up in the city arms pisser burke told me there was an old one there with a cracked loodheramaun of a nephew and bloom trying to get the soft side of her doing the mollycoddle playing bzique to come in for a bit of the wampum in her will and not eating meat of a friday because the old one was always thumping her craw and taking the lout out for a walk 布盧姆指望她在遺囑里贈給自己點兒什么,就試圖使她的心腸軟下來。于是,就對她百般奉承,和顏悅色地陪她玩比克181牌戲。老太婆總是做出一副虔誠的樣子,每逢星期五,布盧姆也跟著不吃肉,還帶那個蠢才去散步。

And sure , more be token , the lout i m told was in power s after , the blender s , round in cope street going home footless in a cab five times in the week after drinking his way through all the samples in the bloody establishment 不瞞您說,我剛剛談到的那個蠢才從此就成了科普街鮑爾雞尾酒店的常客:每星期五次,必把那家該死的店里的每一種酒都喝個遍,腰腿癱軟得動彈不了,只好雇馬車回去。

The spanish city of barcelona , a favourite destination for drunken british stag parties , plans to introduce on the spot fines for foreign tourists who break strict new anti - lout rules 西班牙巴塞羅那市政府近日決定,將對外地游客的諸多不文明行為進行嚴厲打擊和懲處,其中包括在公共場所裸露上身。

The data is then stored on a computer network which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly 這些數據隨后會被存儲在一個電腦網絡中,實施該計劃的其他酒吧和俱樂部可以對這些信息進行查詢,這樣一些酒后滋事者的信息就會很快被掌握。

The data is then stored on a computer network which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly 這些數據隨后會被存儲在一個電腦網路中,實施該計劃的其他酒吧和俱樂部可以對這些資訊進行查詢,這樣一些酒后滋事者的資訊就會很快被掌握。

The invitation was hacked into by louts who re - circulated it on the web subtitled : “ let ' s trash the average family - sized house disco party . 這則邀請廣告經過一些“有心”人士的刪減之后再傳上網時已變成:讓我們把這個在適合全家居住的房屋舉行的迪斯科晚會變成垃圾場.

She did not remember the lout , nor the imprisoned soul , nor the man who had stared at her in all masculineness and delighted and frightened her 她忘記了那莽漢那被囚禁的靈魂忘記了那帶著滿身陽剛之氣盯著她看得她快樂也害怕的人。

For the litter problem surely results from laziness and selfishness ? few litter louts act out of deliberate anti - social spite 因為臟亂問題顯然是由懶惰和自私引起的?沒有幾個亂丟廢物的人是出于反社會的惡意而故意這么做的。

Only for a flashing moment did she see this , then she saw the lout returned , and she laughed at the whim of her fancy 這一點她只在瞬間看到,轉瞬間那粗魯漢子又回來了。她因自己離奇的幻覺感到好笑。

Guard lieutenant : but randolph is a lout and everyone knows it , just as everyone knows ogres are violent 衛兵隊長:但是倫道夫是一個眾人皆知的笨蛋,就像所有人都知道食人魔充滿暴力一樣。

Azumi : if i were to know i would be saved by louts , i may have taken my chances 阿祖彌:如果當時我知道救了我一命的是這樣一個笨蛋,我才不會讓你救呢。

Some of the films on tv would scare the heel lout of adults as well as children 電視上的某些影片不僅會嚇壞了孩子們,而且也會使成年人嚇得魂不附體。

“ litter lout ! “ jane said tartly , as he tossed the empty packet out of the car window 當他將空盒子拋出窗外時,簡辛辣地說道: “亂扔廢物的人!

That bumptious lout 那魯莽下流!

Having the characteristics of a lout ; awkward , stupid , and boorish 粗鄙的鄉下人具有粗鄙者特點的,笨拙的,愚蠢的,鄉下人的

Sir lout s toys 小心不要挨個耳刮子。

You know who you just nearly bludgeoned to death here , you lout 你知道剛才差點把誰給摔死了?混球

Your nephew has acted like a lout with her sister 你的外甥剛對她姐姐做了蠢事