
lousy adj.(lousier; -iest)1.盡是虱子的,...


You want to come after me over a couple of lousy bricks 你要來幫我拿那兩塊骯臟的金磚嗎

I can ' t believe i ever trusted you , you lousy - - 我不敢想象我怎么才能相信你你這個可惡的

The grain seedling card - die the lousy root of see 禾苗牌-死苗爛根一次凈

I can ' t believe i ever trusted you , you lousy - 我不敢想象我怎么才能相信你你這個可惡的

Are you still using that lousy washing machine 你還在用那臺爛洗衣機嗎?

You really want them to be stuck watching a lousy game 你希望他們看到一場糟糕的比賽?

L wanted to make a phone call . one lousy call - 我想打個電話.就一個電話-

About being a lousy legal guardian to three kids 不那么開心的話,請原諒我

Others , however , charge a lot yet the food is lousy 也有的飯館價錢很貴,飯食卻很差。

That lousy movie really turned my stomach 這部差勁的電影倒足了我的胃口。

L wanted to make a phone call . one lousy call - - 我想打個電話.就一個電話-

It ain ' t our fault you got a lousy damn mother 你有個該死的媽不是我們的錯

Instead , i wasn ' t , ' cause i ' m a lousy coach 但我沒有,因為我是個無能的教練

This is my fault . i ' ve been a lousy father 這是我的錯,我是一個糟糕的父親

That lousy doctor you recommended made me worse 你推薦的那個庸醫讓我的病更糟糕了。

On a lousy 1 , 200 a month ? she deserves better 差勁的一個月1 , 200 ?她應該得到更好的

What is the big deal of translating a few lousy sentences 翻譯幾道破題顯示個什么!

So you can forget about your lousy , little embouchure 因此忘記關于你的惡心管弦樂。

“ he called you bitch ? it was a lousy choice of word . 他叫你母狗?他真是口不擇言。