
lour vi.1.皺眉頭,怒目而視 (at; on; upon)...

lourenco marques

Through studying on the ancient herbal documents , we found that the fruits of litsea lam had been used as “ bichengqie “ instead of piper cubeba before the tang dynasty , henceforth , litsea cubeba was included in pharmacopoeia as a substite for imported bichengqie . a survey of the botanical resource shows that 6 species with accurat effects are widely dispersed over sichuan province , including litsea cubeba ( lour . ) pers . , 對四川省木姜子屬藥用資源的初步調查研究發現, 6種植物在四川省分布廣泛,且療效確切,它們是:山雞椒litseacubeba ( lour . ) pets . ,毛葉木姜子litseamollishemsl . ,木姜子litseapungenshemsl . ,楊葉木姜子litseapopulifolia ( hemsl . ) gamble ,鈍葉木姜子litseaveitchianagamble ,毛豹皮樟litseacoreanal (

Through analyzing 46 kinds of flowers , we found that rosa l . ( rosaceae ) , lagerstroemia indica l . , euphorbia antiquorum l . , rhododendron l . osmanthus fragrans lour , had strong aoa and abundant polyphenols ; the relationship between aoa and polyphenols contents of flowers are significant at 1 % level . 2 . the aoa of rose flowers was confirmed through five methods 采集并比較了46種常見花卉的抗氧化活性及其多酚、黃酮含量,發現玫瑰花、大葉紫薇花、鐵海棠花、杜鵑花、桂花具有很高的抗氧化活性,同時含有豐富的多酚類物質,花卉的抗氧化活性與其多酚含量呈顯著的正相關; 2

Light microscopy was used to investigate the anatomy of 5 species of salt - enduring plants lived in the songnen plain . the result showed that humulus scandens ( lour . ) merr . , 為了闡明耐鹽植物頡頏鹽逆境的解剖結構特征,使用石蠟制片和光學顯微鏡技術對松嫩平原五種耐鹽植物進行結構植物學研究。

It was a relief to tess , when she looked out of the window that morning , to find that though the weather was windy and louring , it did not rain , and that the waggon had come 苔絲向窗外看去,只見那天早晨天色陰沉沉的,刮著風,但是沒有下雨,雇的馬車也來了,她這才放下心來。

The co lour of the symbol is golden yellow , it serves as the red lotus flower , implicates rich and honor 會標基本色為佛教的金黃色,襯托紅色蓮花,富貴高雅,莊重智慧。

The co lour of the symbol is blue , it serves as the red lotus flower , implicates rich and honor 會標基本色為海藍色,象徵瀚海資金;襯托紅色蓮花,富饒冷峻,莊嚴厚重。

Determination of chemical constituents from chloroform layer of the flower of tamarix chinensis lour by gc - ms 紅柳花氯仿層提取物化學成分的研究

Physiological and biochemical changes in flower senescence of osmanthus fragrans lour 月季切花衰老過程中多胺與乙烯的關系

Morphological and anatomical studies on the root and stem of osmanthus fragrans lour 桂花根和莖的形態與解剖研究

An ft - ir spectrum analysis of the herbal medicine soldago decurrens lour 一枝黃花的紅外光譜法分析