
loupe n.寸鏡〔珠寶店、表店等使用的高倍放大鏡〕。


Various anatomical structures were dissected . the distance between these structures and the underlying venous sinus was measured on the cadaveric heads . using 4 . 5 loupes magnification , the occipital condyle was dilled to the intracranial end of the hypoglossal canal from posterior laterior margin according to the procedures of far lateral approach , then the length of remainder was measured 對15個10福爾馬林固定的成人尸頭標本進行解剖:測定橫竇、乙狀竇、竇匯顱骨外表面標志,自后外向前內磨除枕髁至顯露舌下神經管內口,測量所需磨除的枕髁范圍。

The suboccipital segment of vertebral artery and related structures were dissected and measured on the cadaveric heads with connected neck under 4 . 5 loupes magnification 在手術放大鏡( 4 . 5 )對10個10福爾馬林固定的成人連頸尸頭標本進行解剖,測量枕下區的椎動脈及毗鄰結構。

If a stereo binocular microscope has been used , a final assessment using a 10x loupe is performed before the final judgement is made on the clarity of the stone 如果使用了雙目立體顯微鏡,在對鉆石凈度的最終判定之前會用10倍寸鏡/放大鏡做一個最后的評估。

A photographer ' s loupe or magnifying glass will make it even easier to identify any problem areas 攝影師的小型放大鏡或放大鏡可以將這些問題放大,并能很容易的鑒別出來問題所在。

Finally mr . cohen took out a loupe , a diamond man ' s magnifying glass , and studied the stone 最后寇英先生拿出一個寸鏡一種鉆石商用的放大鏡仔細審視那顆寶石。

Finally mr . cohen took out a loupe , a diamond man ' s magnifying glass , and studied the stone 最寇英先生拿出一個寸鏡一種鉆石商用的放大鏡仔細審視那顆寶石。

“ you would need a jeweller ' s loupe the size of the sun to grade this diamond . “要評價這顆鉆石的等級,需要使用像太陽那么大的珠寶商專用放大鏡。 ”

Micro binocular loupe 微型雙目式放大鏡