
lounge n.1.閑蕩,閑逛,漫步。2.懶洋洋的步調[姿勢]。3....

lounge car

He ' s in trauma . you can wait in the lounge 他受了重傷.你可以在等待室里等

Standard for office furnishing - lounge seating - tests 辦公家具.休息室座椅測試標準

Preferred customer lounge locations and information 優先顧客休息室地點和資料

Departures lounge , level 3 after immigration 候機貴賓室三樓請先辦理入境手續

Executive lounge airside - next to gate 11 登機閘口23號附近的executive lounge

Smoking lounge on the 1st floor of international terminal 國際線大樓一樓設有吸煙室

The lounge provides the following privileges 行政酒廊同時提供下列特權服務:

Photo 6 resource library of the global lounge 圖片6 :國際交流中心的資料圖書館

The world s ten best airport lounges led the list 全球十大最佳機場貴賓室領先排名

Top floor , lounge central . open daily 6am - 11pm ,每天上午6點到晚上11點對外開放。

The duty free shop is located in the departure lounge 免稅商店設置在出境休息區。

The “ passengers “ have access only to the lounge 而乘客則只有到休息室的權限。

Vip lounge available for booking by arena hirers only - 只供表演場租用人租訂-

Please wait in the lounge . we ' ll give you a call 請休息室等候,我們會叫您的。

Clerk : yes . you can wait in the lounge 柜臺職員:是的,你可以在候機休息室等候。

Nursing mothers lounge is located in american waterfront 喂奶室設于美國海濱。

Lunch finished , the guest retired to the lounge 午餐后,客人們到客廳休息去了。

The children have made an awful mess in the lounge 孩子們把起居室弄得凌亂不堪

It was the very place where once presley had loved to lounge entire afternoons, reading his books of poems, smoking and dozing . 這個地方就是普瑞斯萊從前喜歡來消磨整個下午,看看詩集,抽抽煙,打打盹的地方。