
louisville n.路易斯維爾〔美國城市〕。


Some patients who undergo bone marrow transplant later develop secondary cancers because of the high doses of radiation and chemotherapy they receive to prepare them for the procedure , said mariusz ratajczak , m . d . , ph . d . , director of the stem cell developmental biology program at the university of louisville james graham brown cancer center and a member of the journal ' s editorial board 佛羅里達大學的研究人員正在和多所大學和醫學中心的科學家們聯手,研究具有癌細胞外觀的骨髓細胞能否在動物體內長長出腫瘤,以及它們是否具有腫瘤細胞的內部遺傳缺陷。

One of these was that doctor ; another one was a sharplooking gentleman , with a carpet - bag of the oldfashioned kind made out of carpet - stuff , that had just come off of the steamboat and was talking to him in a low voice , and glancing towards the king now and then and nodding their heads - it was levi bell , the lawyer that was gone up to louisville ; and another one was a big rough husky that come along and listened to all the old gentleman said , and was listening to the king now 其中的一個就是醫生,另一個是一位目光銳利的先生,手里提著一只用毛氈做的老式手提包。他剛從輪船上下來,正跟醫生在低聲說話,時不時用眼睛瞟一眼國王,還點點他們的腦袋此人就是勒維貝爾,去了上游的路易斯維爾剛回來。另外還有一個人是一位又高又大的粗壯漢子。

In the u . s . , the company closed its acquisition of overnite , while ups supply chain solutions opened a new healthcare logistics facility in louisville and a new distribution center campus in southern california . the company also announced significant enhancements to its ups trade directsm service to provide visibility for freight movements as well as for small packages 在美國國內方面, ups完成了對overnite公司的收購, ups供應鏈解決方案部門在路易斯維爾市新開了一個保健品物流網點,并在南卡萊羅納州建立了新的配送中心。

According to the site , oscar - winner berry ' s maternal grandmother was less than a year old in 1912 when she sailed on the “ merion “ from the port of liverpool , northwest england . in 1850 , cruise ' s great - great - grandfather dylan henry mapother emigrated from the town of flint , north wales , to louisville , kentucky “家譜”網站稱, 1912年,奧斯卡影后貝瑞的外祖母在還未滿周歲時從英國西北部的利物浦港登上前往美國的“米里恩”號客船。

According to the site , oscar - winner berry s maternal grandmother was less than a year old in 1912 when she sailed on the “ merion “ from the port of liverpool , northwest england . in 1850 , cruise s great - great - grandfather dylan henry mapother emigrated from the town of flint , north wales , to louisville , kentucky “家譜”網站稱, 1912年,奧斯卡影后貝瑞的外祖母在還未滿周歲時從英國西北部的利物浦港登上前往美國的“米里恩”號客船。

A hardware retailer home depot has found itself in a sticky situation early this month , defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain ' s louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat 本月初,荷蘭人鮑伯多爾蒂起訴美國建材家居零售企業“家居貨棧” ,說他在路易斯維爾連鎖店上衛生間時受人愚弄,身體被粘在馬桶座上,而那兒的店員竟對他的呼救聲置若罔聞。

Hardware retailer home depot has found itself in a sticky situation early this month , defending a lawsuit filed by a man who claims the chain ' s louisville store ignored his cries for help after he fell victim to a prank and was glued to a toilet seat 本月初,荷蘭人鮑伯多爾蒂起訴美國建材家居零售企業“家居貨棧” ,說他在路易斯維爾連鎖店上衛生間時受人愚弄,身體被粘在馬桶座上,而那兒的店員竟對他的呼救聲置若罔聞。

Since the louisville utw experiment , although , some utw experimental projects have been built in united state , the loading stress of utw pavement has not been analyzed by theoretical calculation 作為一種新型、有效、快速、經濟且簡便的舊瀝青路面維修技術,雖自lousiville試驗路后在美國已進行了大量試驗路研究,但在路面結構荷載應力分析方面尚屬空白。

Would recognize no distinction between domestic and foreign operations , . . . . . . . . would be as comfortable doing business in . seoul as in louisville : “ organized crime has gone boundaryless many many years ago 不論國內國外業務營運上無分二致, .不論在韓國的漢城或美國的路易斯維爾做生意,同樣感到輕松自如。

It was supposed to be a surprise trip for the mort brothers , but they were clued in before making the nearly three - hour drive from liverpool to louisville , according to their mother 這個安排本來是要給莫特兄弟一個驚喜,但是在離開利物浦駕車去路易斯威爾之前,兄弟倆已經知道了。

Every year since 1875 , this race has been held at churchill downs racetrack in louisville , kentucky 自1875年以來,這場賽事每年都在路易斯維爾市邱吉爾唐斯的賽馬場上舉行。

Patrick henry plays the trumpet in the university of louisville marching band from his wheelchair 帕特里克亨利坐在他的輪椅上為路易斯維爾大學的行進樂隊吹小號。

He holds a bs from the university of louisville in engineering in math and computer science 他擁有louisville大學的數學和計算機科學學士學位。

Satisfy your wanderlust with a free download of second life - louisville courier - journal 標記日歷為chanhassen天在樹木園- chanhassen村民

Unavoidably . - he was awfully nice to me in louisville at the derby -無法避免的了-他在路易斯維爾市的德和比酒店給了我很多幫助

In louisville , where i growed up , they barely let black folks drive buses 在我長大的路易斯維爾他們幾乎不讓黑人開公共汽車

Welcome to the louisville brown hotel . how long will you be staying with us 歡迎您光臨路易斯維爾市布朗酒店您打算住幾天

University of louisville 路易斯維爾大學

In just a few minutes , louisville ' s cassius marcellus clay 幾分鐘后來自路易斯維爾的凱修斯馬賽勒斯克里