
louisiana n.路易斯安那〔美國州名〕。


Humberto is expected to dump up to 25 centimeters of rain over the coast of texas and louisiana thursday 預計,溫貝托將給德克薩斯和路易斯安納的沿海地區帶來多達25厘米的雨水。

Louisiana has a heritage of many cultures , nationalities and ethnic groups , including cajuns and creoles 路易斯安那州擁有多種文化、民族及種族常規,包括卡津人及克里奧爾人。

The louisiana purchase would prove to be one of the most profitable real estate transactions ever made 路易斯安那交易可以算作有史以來購買者獲益最豐厚的地產交易了。

Alabama , georgia , south carolina , and louisiana have adopted this system . laws of the state affecting religion 年,該州聯邦地方法院法官威廉巴伯下令公開這些檔案。

A move to miami would see spears and her two young sons closer to her family in louisiana 搬到邁阿密之后,布蘭妮和兩個年幼的兒子就離住在路易斯安納的家人更近了。

The suspect in this morning ' s shooting rampage in baton rouge louisiana is now behind bars 今早美國路易斯安娜州首府巴頓魯治市槍擊事件的嫌犯如今已被關押在獄。

In the past , the cotton fields of louisiana were inundated annually by the mississippi river 在過去的日子里,每年密西西比河都要把路意斯安那州的棉花田淹沉。

More than 8 inches of rain have fallen in parts of louisiana , mississippi , alabama and florida 路易斯安那、密西西比、阿拉巴馬和佛羅里達的降雨量已達8英寸。

The united states acquired the land from france as part of the louisiana purchase in 1803 美國在1803年的路易西安那購買案中,從法國手中取得了這一片土地。

As a young boy , i grew up in a tin - roofed shack in summerfield , louisiana 童年時代的我住在位于路易斯安那州墨菲爾德的一間簡陋的鐵皮屋頂的房子里。

An indictment was handed up today against democratic congressman william jefferson of louisiana 一紙控訴告發路易斯安那眾議院議員威廉斯?杰斐遜。

The cajuns in louisiana are descendants of the french - speaking acadians of canada 路易斯安那州的卡津人是加拿大境內法語區的阿卡迪亞人的后裔。

In the case of poverty point , in northeastern louisiana , no one knows for sure 就路易斯安那州東北角的波弗蒂角一例而言,沒有人知道確切原因。

Julian n . hartt . the lost image of man . louisiana state university press , 1963 黃志強, 《人生的真義》 ,香港:浸信會出版社, 1970 。

18 usa louisiana 18美國田納西

District of louisiana 路易斯安納區

Bobby ray owens , jr . of louisiana was killed in the explosion and fire that followed 他在這次爆炸及隨后發生的大火中喪生。

Louisiana state university 圖蘭大學主頁

Swear to god . he said , “ louisiana is expecting a rain event . 我向天發誓.他真的這么說: “路易斯安那州預計有下雨事件”