
louisa n.路易莎〔女子名〕。


Lord ingram flirted with amy eshton ; louisa played and sang to and with one of the messrs . lynn ; and mary ingram listened languidly to the gallant speeches of the other 埃希頓在調情。路易莎彈琴唱歌給一位林恩先生聽,也跟他一起彈唱。瑪麗

While sitting in front of a roaring fire with a cup of hot cocoa , you ' ll bereading something by maeve binchy or louisa may alcott 當坐在溫暖的火爐前喝著熱可可奶時,巨蟹座最適合捧一本梅芙-賓奇或露易莎-玫-艾爾考特的書來品讀。

It was wrapped in louisa ' s inimitable way - - last year ' s gift - wrap recycled and held together with approximately two miles of sticky tape 那是路易莎無與倫比的包裹方式? ?重用去年包過禮品的紙,用了差不多兩英里長的膠帶來捆扎。

Louisa mebbin adopted a protective elder - sister attitude towards money in general , irrespective of nationality or denomination 路易莎?梅賓在花錢的事上總是采取一種大姐式的保護態度,不論是花哪一國的錢,不論花多少。

They knelt ; while mrs . dent and louisa eshton , dressed also in white , took up their stations behind them 他們跪了下來,與此同時,一樣渾身著白的登特太太和路易莎.埃希頓,在他們身后站定。

Meantime , mary ingram , amy and louisa eshton , declared they dared not go alone ; and yet they all wished to go 同時,瑪麗.英格拉姆艾米和路易莎埃希頓表示不敢單獨前往,卻又都希望去試試。

Please filled and fax or email this reply form to ms . carrie poon / louisa fu on or before 10 april 2007 請填妥本回執并于2007年4月10日前傳真或電郵至潘文麗小姐傅素妍小姐收。

“ you had better say , national , as he said so , “ returned louisa , with her dry reserve “他既然那么說,你最好也跟他說‘國家的’ , ”露意莎帶著她那種枯燥的矜持態度回答說。

Louisa : i knew you ' re well connected but didn ' t know you ' re that resourceful . here i bow to you 我本來就知道你關系很好,可是還真不知道你那麼罩得住。讓我跟你鞠個躬。

Christophe ' s two brothers were seldom home , and only louisa and her musician son were left 克利斯朵夫的兩個弟弟很少在家,家中只剩下魯意莎和她這個音樂家兒子。

“ your picture may be very exact , louisa , “ said bingley ; “ but this was all lost upon me 彬格萊先生說: “你形容得并沒有過火的地方,露薏莎,可是我并不以為然。

She is grown so brown and coarse ! louisa and i were agreeing that we should not have known her again . 她的皮膚變得又黑又粗糙,露薏莎和我簡直不認識她了。 ”

George loves louisa at first sight for her eye - catching appearance and friendly manner 由于路易莎那極為吸引的外貌和友善的態度,喬治第一眼便愛上了她。

George loves louisa at first sight for her eye - catching apperance and friendly manner 由于路易莎那極為吸引的外貌和友善的態度,喬治第一眼便愛上了她。

Louisa van der luyden : but not naples . doctor bencomb says there is a fever there 路易薩?范德路登:但別去那不勒斯。貝勒科布醫生說那兒正流行熱病。

“ but if you ' re going to be ordained , philip ? “ aunt louisa exclaimed in dismay . 如果這樣,你還想不想當牧師了,菲利浦? ”露易莎伯母氣急敗壞地說。

“ rich people have about as many worries as poor ones , i think ” ( louisa may alcott ) “我認為富人和窮人的煩惱一樣多” (路易莎?梅?阿爾科特) 。

Ms . louisa li 李蘊彤女士

Amy and louisa , return to your nests like a pair of doves , as you are 艾米和路易莎,就像一對真正的鴿子那樣回到自己的窩里去。