
louden vt.,vi.(使聲音)變響亮[更響亮]。


In this paper , through practical investigation , spot visit and scientific analysis , the problem which exits in the enterprise ' s inside encouraging system is studied , and by inducing , the following problems are pointed out : first lacking scientific result examination system , unfair distribution system ; second disjointed distribution and personal work - effect , lacking enterprise loudening power , lass of use - full personnel , lacking power of bringing forth the new ideas . in this paper , according the practical situation and combining with the theory of encouraging system , the author analyzed the problem in this enterprise and thought that the main reasons 本文作者結合所學的激勵相關理論知識,通過實際調查、現場訪問和科學分析的方法,研究該企業在激勵機制上存在的問題,經過認真分析、整理,認為該企業激勵機制上存在的主要問題是:首先在機制上缺乏科學的績效考核體系、分配制度不公;其次,在制度上分配與個人績效嚴重脫節;第三在管理方法上缺乏靈活性、企業缺乏凝聚力、人才流失,缺乏創新力。