
lotto n.落托數卡牌戲〔玩者數人各執一數碼卡片,卡上記有數碼三...


The day he wins 10 million euros at lotto , aldo , a travelling salesman , drowning in enormous debt and on the brink of losing his job and getting divorced , discovers that his wife is cheating on him with his new boss Aldo是一家美容用品公司的小職員,雖然辛勤工作了15年,始終一事無成,更因欠下巨債,與妻子的感情日益疏遠。更氣人的是,他的新老板對其妻一見鍾情,大獻殷勤。

With an optimistic view of the footwear market , the group will continue to invest to enhance and strengthen its r & d capabilities . satisfactory performance was also registered from the group s distribution of “ lotto “ and “ head “ footwear in the prc 由于鞋業市場發展前景樂觀,集團將繼續投資,加強產品研究和開發。此外,集團剛于國內展開的lotto及head銷售業務成績亦理想。

Lotto assistant / combination calculator v - this is lotto assistant program which uses full mathematical filtering options to prevent regularities in combinations . also it makes random and formulated combinations 這是一個對號碼輔助程序,使用完整的數學過濾選項來防止組合中的規律性。同樣它也能創建隨機和簡潔的組合。

This is the last time i ll pray to you to win the lotto . if you don t let me win the lotto this time , i ll give up my faith ! i ll never believe in you again 最后他受不了上帝了,就跟上帝說:這是我最后一次向您祈求讓我中樂透,如果您這次不讓我中獎的話,我將放棄對您的信仰,我將永遠不再相信您,您饒了我吧!

That s why they become rich . they are naturally rich ; they naturally know how to handle money . and sometimes they also win the lotto , of course 他們知道自己做什么,他們懂得珍惜錢財的價值,他們不會超支花費,他們是自然而然就這樣做,所以他們會變得有錢,他們很自然地致富,很自然地懂得如何處理錢財。

The distribution operation of “ lotto “ and “ head “ footwear labels in mainland china was marginally lagging behind the group s expectations due to keen competition in the retail sector in the prc 分銷業務方面,由于國內零售市道競爭激烈, lotto及head在內地的銷售稍遜集團預期。

The distribution operation of “ lotto “ and “ head “ footwear labels in mainland china was marginally lagging behind the group s expectations due to keen competition in the retail sector in the prc 分銷業務方面,由于國內零售市道競爭激烈, lotto及head在內地的銷售稍遜集團預期。

This is lotto assistant program which uses full mathematical filtering options to prevent regularities in combinations . also it makes random and formulated combinations 這是一個對號碼輔助程序,使用完整的數學過濾選項來防止組合中的規律性。同樣它也能創建隨機和簡潔的組合。

The distribution operation for lotto footwear label in mainland china was scaled down to provide the group with more effective coverage mainly in southern china 集團縮減了lotto品牌鞋品在中國大陸的分銷業務規模,維持集中于華南地區的有效覆蓋,此業務之虧損因而收窄。

10 free texas lottery tickets for the “ lotto texas “ game . 10 free lottery tickets given to one lucky visitor each month . register here to win 為“一種對號碼的牌戲得克薩斯”的10免費得克薩斯彩票比賽。每個月給一位幸運的來賓的10免費彩票。這里登記贏。

A german who won 1 . 5 million deutschmarks playing lotto eight years ago admitted recently he committed a string of burglaries after the cash trickled away 一名八年前玩樂透贏得一百五十萬馬克的德國人,最近坦承他在千金散盡后,犯下一連串竊盜案。

German who won 1 . 5 million deutschmarks playing lotto eight years ago admitted recently he committed a string of burglaries after the cash trickled away 一名八年前玩樂透贏得一百五十萬馬克的德國人,最近坦承他在千金散盡后,犯下一連串竊盜案。

Huadong online casino currently offers one zero roulette , american roulette , sicbo , lotto , chess chuiqiu , baccarat . we are working on new games on a day - to - day basis 華東在線賭城目前提供美式輪盤,幸運吹球,虎爭霸,骰子寶,車馬炮和百家樂。

So then one day he began crying to god , saying , ive been praying to you for years just to win the lotto so that i could build my house 有一天,他哭著向上帝說:我一直祈求您讓我中樂透彩金來蓋房子,但是這么多年了,為什么您都沒有回應我?

A spokesman for lotto gmbh said the winner had no idea what he wants to do with the fortune , except that “ he wants his life to change as little as possible “ 彩票公司的發言人說,中獎者對未來沒有什么設想,只希望生活改變的越少越好。

In order to alleviate traffic jam , prevented the trafficaccident , the active reason downtown area , constructs the parking lotto become the urgent matter 為緩解交通阻塞,防止交通事故,活躍原由鬧市區,修建停車場成為當務之急。

A man kept praying to god to win the lotto . every week he prayed to win the lotto , but many years passed and he never won the lotto 有個人一直祈求上帝讓他中樂透,每個禮拜都禱告能夠中樂透,但是好多年都從來沒有中過。

God said , “ during these thirty years , you ve only prayed and talked and talked , but you ve never gone out and bought a lotto ticket ! 上帝回答:在過去三十年來,你一直禱告不停,但是你從未出去買一張樂透彩券!

You try to figure how much you ' ll have to win in the state lotto to make construction of the batmobile and all the bat - gadgets a reality 你試圖計算你得在六合彩上贏得多少錢才能真正造出蝙蝠車和所有的蝙蝠裝備。