lottie n.1.洛蒂〔女子名〕。2.Charlotte 的別名。
n. 1.洛蒂〔女子名〕。 2.Charlotte 的別名。 “lottie moon“ 中文翻譯: 慕拉第“lotti“ 中文翻譯: 洛蒂“lottig“ 中文翻譯: 洛蒂希“lotthe“ 中文翻譯: 洛泰“lottiger“ 中文翻譯: 勒蒂格“lottgen“ 中文翻譯: 勒特根“lottigna“ 中文翻譯: 洛蒂尼亞; 洛提納“lottet“ 中文翻譯: 洛泰“lottin“ 中文翻譯: 洛坦“lottery winner“ 中文翻譯: 中獎者
lotto |
Lottie had hated being a child , hearing her parents ' skimping and scraping . bess had never seemed to notice . all she ever wanted was to go outside and play . she learned to skate on borrowed skates . she rode a borrowed bicycle . lottie couldn ' t wait to grow up and buy herself the best of everything 珞蒂自小恨透了爹娘嘮嘮叨叨要省吃儉用的話和青黃不接的日子。碧絲卻好像從來沒有注意到,只一味想到屋外頭去要。她用借來的溜冰鞋學會溜冰。她騎著借來的腳踏車。珞蒂渴望快快長大,賺錢買所有最好的東西。 |
In her third year of high school she found a job in a small but expanding restaurant where she cashiered from the busy hour until closing . in her last year of high school the business increased so rapidly that lottie was faced with the choice of staying in school or working full time 高中三年級時,她在一家規模雖小但生意蒸蒸日上的餐館找到一份工作,從生意最忙的時間幫忙出納工作一直到打烊。高中最后一年,餐館生意直線上升,珞蒂如果要工作就不能上課,面臨了學業與職業的抉擇。 |
That bess married harry straight out of high school was not surprising . that lottie never married at all was not really surprising either . two or three times she was halfway persuaded , but to give up a job that paid well for a home making job that paid nothing was a risk she was incapable of taking 珞蒂終身未嫁也一樣的沒什么可怪。其實有兩、三次她都給說動了一半了,但一想到放下賺錢的工作不干,去搞那賠錢的結婚成家什么的,她總覺得這種險她冒不起。 |
She would let bess have her room , but the mattress was so lumpy , the carpet so worn , the curtains so threadbare that lottie ' s conscience pricked her . she supposed she would have to redo that room , too , and went about doing it with an eagerness that she mistook for haste 把她自己的臥室給碧絲住好了。但是床墊垮得太厲害,地毯太破舊,窗簾太襤褸,珞蒂有些于心不安。她想她的臥房也該翻修一下,于是便動手去做,其實是干勁十足,她卻自以為是倉促行事。 |
It took lottie a week to get a bedroom ready , a week of hard work and hard cash . there was everything to do , everything to replace or paint . when she was through the room looked so fresh and new that lottie felt she deserved it more than bess 珞蒂費了一個禮拜的時間才整理好一間臥室,一個禮拜的辛苦日和辛苦錢。每樣都得做,每樣東西都得換新或油漆。等她把一切都弄好之后,那間臥房看起來又新又舒適,珞蒂覺得自己比妹妹更配住這樣的一間房。 |
Bess grieved because she had no child , not having sense enough to know she was better off without one . lottie was certainly better off without nieces and nephews to feel sorry for . very likely bass would have dumped them on her doorstep 碧絲自怨自艾說自己沒有孩子. . . . . .竟然不懂得慶幸沒有孩子才是她前世修來的,日子可以過得比較好。珞蒂好多了,不必看著苦兮兮的外甥們,替他們可憐。碧絲很可能會把孩子們往她門口一丟的扔給她的。 |
That lottie had a doorstep they might have been left on was only because her boss , having bought a second house , offered lottie his first house at a price so low and terms so reasonable that it would have been like losing money to refuse 珞蒂今天有這么個門口好讓碧絲丟下孩子,說來也是因為她老板買了第二幢房子,第一幢房子就以很便宜的價格和合理的條件要珞蒂租下,珞蒂認為如果拒絕,和損失金錢一樣。 |
She made several attempts to find other employment , but her dowdy appearance made her look old and inefficient . for the first time in her life lottie would gladly have worked for nothing to have some place to go , something to do with her day 她找了幾次工作,但是她邋遢的外表使她看起來又老又沒用。珞蒂生平第一次愿意不計報酬只要有個工作,有一個地方可去,有事情可以打發她的日子。 |
Lottie , trapped by the blood tie , knew she would not only have to send for her sister but take her in when she returned . it didn ' t seem fair that bess should reap the harvest of lottie ' s life - time of self - denial 珞蒂知道既是同胞手足,她逃不掉得把妹妹給接回國,等她回國后還得收容她。想起她一生克勤克儉,碧絲卻來坐享其成,覺得很不公平。 |
Bess had a beau in the school band who had no other ambition except to play a horn . lottie expected to be settled with a home and family while bess was still waiting for harry to earn enough to buy a marriage license 碧絲的男朋友在學校的樂隊,他惟一的雄心就是吹法國號。珞蒂想的是將來要好好成家立業,碧絲則等哈里賺夠錢買一張結婚證書。 |
The years , after forty , began to race . suddenly lottie was sixty , and retired from her job by her boss ' s son , who had no sentimental feeling about keeping her on until she was ready to quit 歲月在她過了四十以后就開始飛逝。一眨眼,珞蒂已經六十歲,老板的兒子不講什么情份,沒等她提出,就請她退休。 |