
lotta 〔美俚〕= a lot of.


Onlookers packed nearby roofs and crowded the perimeter of the security zone along the street across from the hospital while listening to jerry lee lewis ' s “ whole lotta shakin “ goin “ on “ blaring from the sound stage where administrators counted down to detonation 孟菲斯市的很多人都認為巴提斯紀念醫院具有歷史意義,因此炸毀這所醫院也成為當地的一件大事。爆破當天,醫院附近地區的房頂上站滿了觀看者,而醫院周圍的安全地區也擠滿了圍觀的人群。

Led zeppelin release the classic album led zeppelin ii , featuring the hit single “ whole lotta love . 1969年的今天,齊柏林飛艇樂隊發行了他們經典的專輯《齊柏林飛艇ii 》 ,包括了熱鬧單曲“全部的愛” 。

Round up the family and get ready for a whole lotta fun with disney ' s hilarious animated comedy home on the range 一家大細坐低齊齊睇,迪士尼搞笑喜劇動畫《至叻皇牛黨》沖到屋企啦!

Motormouth maybelle : [ to tracy and penny ] i ' m warning you . you two will be in for a whole lotta ugly 摩特莫絲?梅貝爾(對特蕾西和彭妮說) :我警告你們倆,你們在這里只會得到難堪。

Round up the family and get ready for a whole lotta fun with disney s hilarious animated comedy home on the range 一班動物為逃過被拍賣變成美食的厄運,要撲水替農場渡過難關!

And the reason why i go to this school is that i can see lotta pretty girls 我在這所學校上學是因為我能見到許多漂亮姑娘。

Made a lotta enemies ( true ) would i do this shit all over again , i dunno 是哪根煙使我身份不再隱蔽讓我的想法暴露一切

And a whole lotta necro firepower 還有很多死亡使者的兵

But i ' m gonna be out a whole lotta paper ifyou kick it 但是如果你賴帳,我要撕一打紙