
lot n.1.運氣,命運。 His lot has been ...


There were a lot of beat-up vw vans around . 周圍有很多破舊的大眾牌汽車。

What he has said carries a lot of weight . 他這話說得很有分量。

I have been jogging a lot to get myself into shape . 我長期慢跑鍛煉身體。

It takes a lot of guts to climb the alps . 爬阿爾卑斯山必須有很大的勇氣。

A machine consists of a lot of parts . 機器是由許多零件組成的。

It is our lot to be part of it . 我們命中注定要成為它的一部分。

She had lots of boy friends before she got married . 她婚前有許多男朋友。

Is there a lot of criminal action in taipei ? 臺北是否有很多犯罪行為?。

I heard a lot of shouting -- what is up ? 我聽見很多喊聲出什么事了?

There will be lots of action around these parts . 這兒戰事一定會很頻繁。

“a female's liable to have a lot of fat about her. “ “女性的脂肪太多”

There are lots of troubles in the world ! 世界上不幸的事真多呀!

It takes a lot for a guy to do it . 這沒有點膽量的人是辦不到的。

Troops are selling a lot of old equipment . 軍隊正在把大量舊裝備拍賣掉。

They spent a lot of money on her build-up . 他們為給她做廣告花掉不少錢。

They move a lot in ten days . 這十天里他們轉悠的地方也夠多的了。

I've seen a lot of trouble in my life . 在我的一生中,我碰到過許多痛苦。

It took a lot of coaxing before he agreed . 勸說了很久他才同意。

It takes a lot of good breath to sing . 唱歌是要費掉很多氣力的。