
loss n.1.喪失;丟失,遺失。2.減損,損失,虧損(額);損...

loss leader

She promised to make good the loss . 她答應賠償損失。

Do n't try to shift the losses on to the customers . 不要企圖把損失轉嫁到顧客頭上。

The team returned disconsolate from three losses .. 連輸三場的球隊歸來時悶悶不樂。

To supply this want i was at a great loss . 至于如何滿足這種需要,我簡直茫無頭緒。

I am at a loss what to do next . 我不知道下一步怎么辦。

The loss broke up the old man . 這項損失使老人身心交瘁。

I would not risk the loss of it . 我不愿冒丟掉它的風險。

There are many losses in his town . 他家鄉的人傷亡很多。

Propeller meters introduce small pressure losses . 螺旋漿式流量計的壓力損失小。

It can not require a pressure loss . 它不會造成壓力損失。

Nothing could atone for the loss of good blood . 沒有什么能補償優良血統的喪失。

James was at a loss as to what to do and felt lost . 詹姆斯無所適從,惘然若失。

We shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor . 我們的活力要經受遞增的損耗。

The oversight issued in heavy losses . 疏忽造成重大損失。

In this we do not discuss the losses . 在這些事情上,我們很難討論出個所以然來。

The dinner is a business loss . 這頓晚飯不過是營業性浪費。

Heaven knows how we shall repair his loss . 天知道我們將如何來彌補他這一損失。

We made a loss on those shoes . 銷售那些鞋子使我們折了本。

Her departure is a great loss to the orchestra . 她離去是管弦樂隊的一大損失。