
lory n.【動物;動物學】猩猩鸚鵡。


Indeed , she had quite a long argument with the lory , who at last turned sulky , and would only say , i am older than you , and must know better ; and this alice would not allow without knowing how old it was , and , as the lory positively refused to tell its age , there was no more to be said 你瞧,愛麗絲已經同鸚鵡辯論了好長時間了,最后鸚鵡生氣了,一個勁兒地說: “我比你年大,也就肯定比你知道得多。 ”可愛麗絲不同意這點,因為愛麗絲壓根兒不知道它的年,而鸚鵡又拒絕說出自已的年,她們就再沒話可說了。

It was high time to go , for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it : there were a duck and a dodo , a lory and an eaglet , and several other curious creatures 真是該走了,因為池塘里已經有了一大群鳥獸,有一只鴨子只渡渡鳥一種現已絕種的鳥,原產非洲毛里求斯。一只鸚鵡,一只小鷹和一些稀奇古怪的動物。

Sighed the lory , as soon as it was quite out of sight ; and an old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter ah , my dear ! let this be a lesson to you never to lose your temper 當老鼠剛走得看不見了時,鸚鵡就嘆息著,老螃蟹趁這個機會對女兒說: “哦,我親愛的,這是一個教訓,告訴你以后永遠也不要發脾氣。 ”

Hong kong park s aviary showcases free - flying birds from the malesian rain forests , including this pair of black - capped lories 政務司司長許仕仁3月31日參與在大欖郊野公園舉行的香港植樹日,與其他嘉賓一起植樹。

Said the lory 鸚鵡說。

And who is dinah , if i might venture to ask the question ? ' said the lory “請允許我冒昧地問一下,那么,黛娜是誰呢? ”鸚鵡說。

Said the lory , with a shiver 鸚鵡打著哆嗦。

Not i ! said the lory hastily “我沒有啥說的! ”

The lory positively refused to tell its age . 鸚鵡硬不肯說出自己的年齡。