
lorraine n.洛林〔法國東北部地名〕。


Pen had the satisfaction and surprise of seeing the second edition of “ walter lorraine “ advertised in the newspapers 小潘就在報上看到了《沃爾特?洛蘭》再版的消息,這使又驚又喜。

Orders have come from berlin to teach nothing but german in the schools of alsace and lorraine 柏林來了命令,阿爾薩斯和洛林兩省的學校只準教德語… …新的老師明天就到。

Peace was signed at frankfort surrendering the provinces of alsace and lorraine to the germans 和平協議在法蘭克福簽署,阿爾薩斯和洛林拱手讓給德國。

Lorraine : you know , ever since i was little , i ' ve been able to pick up quarters with my toes 跟你說啊,從我還很小的時候,我就能用腳趾頭夾起硬幣。

After charlie and lorraine were born , we realized our dream ofliving in the city . . Charlie和lorraine出生以后,我們認識到我們生八個孩子的夢想

After charlie and lorraine were born , we realized our dream ofliving in the city Charlie和lorraine出生以后,我們認識到我們生八個孩子的夢想

As a result of the1914 - 1918 war , france won back alsace and lorraine 1 9 1 4年至1 9 1 8年發生的戰爭的結果是法國奪回了阿爾薩斯省和洛林省。

Cross of lorraine 洛琳十字

Duchy of lorraine 洛林公國

As a result of the1914 - 1918 war , france won back alsace and lorraine 1914年至1918年發生的戰爭的結果是法國奪回了阿爾薩斯省和洛林省。

Wl : thank you lorraine . it ' s great to be back . ( lh : really appreciate it . okay 王:謝謝玉花。很開心再見到大家! (王:非常謝謝。 )

Lorraine and gary 勞倫和戈瑞

Lorraine dumped me 洛琳把我甩了

Lorraine mom ' s home 媽媽回來了

[ lorraine ] mom ' s home 媽媽回來了

Lorraine : ( to waiter ) uh , can we have three chocolate mousses to go please (對服務生)恩,能給我們三份巧克力慕思外帶嗎?

I figured everybodyhated me like sarah and lorraine hate each other 我覺得人人都討厭我就像sarah和lorraine都憎恨對方一樣

Hello , princess lorraine 你好,洛林公主

St . lorraine kindergarten 萊恩英文幼稚園