
lorgnette n.〔法語〕長柄眼鏡;(附有長柄的)觀劇用望遠鏡。


“ all i call say is , “ continued the countess , taking up the lorgnette , and directing it toward the box in question , “ that the gentleman , whose history i am unable to furnish , seems to me as though he had just been dug up ; he looks more like a corpse permitted by some friendly grave - digger to quit his tomb for a while , and revisit this earth of ours , than anything human “我所能告訴您的, ”伯爵夫人拿起望遠鏡,一邊向所議論的那個包廂里望去,一邊繼續說道, “是的,在我看來,這位先生象是剛從墳墓里挖出來似的。他看上去不象人,倒象是一具死尸,象是一個好心腸的掘墓人暫時讓他離開了他的墳墓,放他再到我們的世界里來玩一會兒似的。 ”

Apprised in time of the visit paid him , monte cristo had , from behind the blinds of his pavilion , as minutely observed the baron , by means of an excellent lorgnette , as danglars himself had scrutinized the house , garden , and servants 此時,基督山已經看到了男爵,他一得到男爵來訪的通知,就從他樓上的百葉窗里,用一副上等的劇場看演出時用的望遠鏡。把對方研究了一番,其觀察之細密并不亞于騰格拉爾對他房屋,花園和仆人的制服的觀察。

“ well . “ inquired franz , after the countess had a second time directed her lorgnette at the box , “ what do you think of our opposite neighbor ? “喂, ”他等伯爵夫人第二次把她的望遠鏡朝著對面包廂里那個神秘的人看了看以后,又問道, “您覺得那個人怎么樣? ”

“ i really never met with one woman so ready to do justice to the charms of another as yourself , “ responded lucien , raising his lorgnette to his eye “我的確從來沒見過這樣一個可以和您媲美的女人。 ”呂西安把觀劇望遠鏡湊到了他的眼睛上。 “真可愛! ”