
lordly adj.(-lier; -liest)1.貴族(似)的,...


Come out here , geraghty , you notorious bloody hill and dale robber ! and by that way wend the herds innumerable of bellwethers and flushed ewes and shearling rams and lambs and stubble geese and medium steers and roaring mares and polled calves and longwools and storesheep and cuffe s prime springers and culls and sowpigs and baconhogs and the various different varieties of highly distinguished swine and angus heifers and polly bullocks of immaculate pedigree together with prime premiated milchcows and beeves : and there is ever heard a trampling , cackling , roaring , lowing , bleating , bellowing , rumbling , grunting , champing , chewing , of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of lush and rush and carrickmines and from the streamy vales of thomond , from m gillicuddy s reeks the inaccessible and lordly shannon the unfathomable , and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of kiar , their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer s firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs , in great hundreds , various in size , the agate with the dun 有系了鈴鐺的閹羊亢奮的母羊沒有閹過的剪了毛的公羊羊羔胡茬鵝26半大不小的食用閹牛患了喘鳴癥的母馬鋸了角的牛犢子長毛羊為了出售而養肥的羊卡夫27那即將產仔的上好母牛不夠標準的牛羊割去卵巢的母豬做熏肉用的閹過的公豬各類不同品種的優良豬安格斯小母羊無斑點的純種去角閹牛,以及正當年的頭等乳牛和肉牛從拉斯克拉什和卡里克梅恩斯那一片片牧場,從托蒙德那流水潺潺的山谷,從麥吉利卡迪那難以攀登的山嶺和氣派十足深不可測的香農河, 28從隸屬于凱亞29族的緩坡地帶,不停地傳來成群的羊豬和拖著沉重蹄子的母牛那踐踏聲,咯咯吼叫哞哞咩洋喘氣哼哼磨牙咀嚼的聲音。

It took her back to the few weeks in which she had collected - or rather had received - almost with the air of a domestic , four - fifty per week from a lordly foreman in a shoe factory - a man who , in distributing the envelopes , had the manner of a prince doling out favours to a servile group of petitioners 一個像她不久前一樣的無名演員在等著領她那微薄的薪水。這使她回想起曾經有幾個星期,她在一家鞋廠里,幾乎像個仆人一樣,從一個傲慢無禮的工頭手里領取-或者說是討取-每周塊半的工錢。

He had entitled the story “ adventure , “ and it was the apotheosis of adventure - not of the adventure of the storybooks , but of real adventure , the savage taskmaster , awful of punishment and awful of reward , faithless and whimsical , demanding terrible patience and heartbreaking days and nights of toil , offering the blazing sunlight glory or dark death at the end of thirst and famine or of the long drag and monstrous delirium of rotting fever , through blood and sweat and stinging insects leading up by long chains of petty and ignoble contacts to royal culminations and lordly achievements 信心不足,多次反復要求著可怕的耐性和在辛酸的日夜里的勤勞苦作。面前或是耀眼的燦爛陽光,或是忍饑受渴之后的漆黑的死亡,或是長期高燒,形銷骨立,精神嚴重錯亂而死。通過血與汗,蚊叮蟲咬,通過一串又一串瑣碎平凡的交鋒,終于到達了輝煌的結局,取得了壯麗的成就。

All the lordly tesidences in the vicinity of the palace of justice were demolished and that noble edifice itself , in which at the time of the catastrophe important legal debates were in progress , is literally a mass of ruins beneath which it is to be feared all the occupants have been buried alive 司法宮左近的巍峨建筑一古腦兒坍塌了就連災變之際正在進行法律方面的重要辯論的那座富麗堂皇的大廈,也全部徹底地化為一片廢墟,在場的人恐怕一個不漏地都被活埋了。

On sunday picnics at shellmound park and schuetzen park , in the past , he had rested his head on many laps , and , usually , he had slept soundly and selfishly while the girls shaded his face from the sun and looked down and loved him and wondered at his lordly carelessness of their love 過去他在貝陵公園和帥岑公園野餐也曾多次把頭枕在女人膝上,而且總是睡得很香。而那些女人則給他遮太陽,低頭看著他,愛他,不明白他為什么那么大架子,對她們的愛情總不在乎。

After all , he might show that he realized he was being honoured . instead of which , with his play - acting and lordly airs , he seemed to think it was he who was conferring the honour . just impudence 賺得滿腔的憤怒,哼,他應該知道人家休面了他,而他卻擺著重要角色的威風神氣,仿佛以為是他給了人家體面似的,多么魯薷!

But as the meek and lowly at the penitent form catch splendid glimpses of their future lordly existence , so did he catch similar glimpses of the state he would gain to by possessing her 但是正如在懺悔席上的謙卑恭順的懺悔人瞥見他們未來的輝煌生活一樣,他也從占有露絲瞥見了類似的輝煌生活。

But the more their long walk fatigued them , the more respectful they became , for at each successive step they were increasingly impressed by the tranquil , lordly dignity of the domain 可是她們走得越累,心里越充滿敬佩之情,她們每走一步,這座古堡的寂靜宏偉氣派就在她們的心目中增添一分。

Queen elizabeth : have her , then , but you ' re a lordly fool . she ' s been plucked since i saw her last - and not by you . it takes a woman to know it 娶了她,那你就是個貴族傻瓜(注意,這里是雙關) .她在我見過的那次后就和別的男人已經有過魚水之歡了- -但卻不是你.我憑女人的直覺感覺到了

Badge of maturity , 12 - tined antlers crown a lordly bull elk in yellowstone ; they serve also as formidable weapons 黃石國家公園里的公糜鹿,頂著它成熟的標志? ?富有貴族氣質的12叉鹿角;這些鹿角還是它們的令人望而生畏的武器。

The band vanished and returned after standing breathlessly for a second or two round bordenave s lordly , outstretched form 她們在他身邊屏住呼吸,呆了一會兒就回來了,這時大家才大笑起來。

Life had not taught her domination - superciliousness of grace , which is the lordly power of some women 她的生活經歷使她和那些威風凜凜的夫人們不同,她身上沒有專橫和傲氣。

She murmured , uneasy . and so lordly ! now i know why men are so overbearing 她不安地,喃喃地說: “并且這么威風現在我明白為什么男子們都這么專橫了!

Kjv : he asked water , and she gave him milk ; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish 新譯本:西西拉求水,雅億給了奶;用珍貴的盤子奉上乳酪。

I want you to know that lordly airs have come to an end so far as i am concerned 我要你放明白一點,你那種老爺派頭對我來說已經用不上了。

He asked water , and she gave him milk ; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish 25西西拉求水,雅億給他奶子,用寶貴的盤子給他奶油。

And he pocketed the money in a lordly way while nana gazed at him , dumfounded 于是,他冠冕堂皇地把錢塞進衣袋里。娜娜呆呆地望著他。

He asked water , and she gave him milk ; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish 西西拉求水,雅億給了奶;用珍貴的盤子奉上乳酪。

And he soon became rather superb , somewhat lordly with the nurse 不久。她對那看護的態度變為王候式的威嚴了。