
loosen vt.1.放松。2.使(紀律)松弛。3.【醫學】通大便;...


Loosen the dirt first . then push with your foot 先把土弄松,然后用腳踩

Maybe loosen him up , i think we can work it out .也許可以讓他放松些,我想我們能搞定的

They want to loosen their ties with britain 他們想要削弱同英國的關系。

It ' s not the time for intimate ? ? loosen your hand 不是親熱的時候了,放手

Washers are often used to prevent loosening and crushing 墊圈往往用來防止松脫和擠壓。

He loosened rein , and away they went a second time 他把韁繩索一松,第二次向山下沖去。

Place being that your can enjoy and loosen 家是一個你能享受和放松的地方

Loosen your collars , neckties and scarves 松開領口、領帶和圍巾這樣的物品。

4 loosen his tight clothing keep him warm 4松解他身上的緊束衣物,并把他保持溫暖。

Numerical analysis of spiral notch - holes loosen blasting 螺旋切槽孔松動爆破數值分析

Loosen up . it ' ll be okay . this bro ' s looking out for you 放松點,沒事的有我罩著你

Could you please loosen up the handcuffs on my wrists 請解開我手腕上的手銬可以么?

I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles 我必須做些運動,以松馳我的肌肉。

Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt 請解開上衣的扣子,松開腰帶。

Loosen setscrews 2 in the vertical driving cam 擰松上下傳送凸輪的固定螺絲2 。

The policy of giving more , taking less and loosening control 多予少取放活政策

Any such loosening is much less likely today 這種政策放松在今天看來是不太可能。

Leader : don ' t mention it ! just loosen up , ok , buddy 別客氣!放輕松,好嗎,伙計

Can ' t seem to loosen my grip on the past 似乎還是看不出,我已逃離過去的桎梏。