
loose adj.(looser, loosest)1.松的,寬的...

loose cannon

Her hair was loose and half-falling and she wore a nurse's dress . 她的頭發蓬松,半垂下來,身穿護土制服。

The car furrowed the loose sand as it crossed the desert . 車子橫過沙漠,在松軟的沙土上犁出了一道車轍。

It is used these days in a very loose sense by a great many people . 現在,許多人用起它來是很不確切的。

We had to stay loose and change our minds every week . 我們只好看風使舵,每個星期都得改變我們的想法。

She eats nothing but nuts : she must have a screw loose ! 她這個人除了干果,什么都不吃,準是有毛病。

She wore her hair loose . 她披頭散發。

Loose sediments may be changed into solid sedimentary rocks . 松散的沉積物可以變成堅硬的沉積巖。

His trousers were too short and his coat and vest too loose . 他的褲子太短,外套和背心又太肥大。

It seems that in washington, all hell just broke loose . 在華盛頓,似乎各種妖魔鬼怪一起登場了。

The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off . 防盜警報器一響,警衛就放出了警犬。

He had been allowed to play fast and loose long enough . 大家容忍他反復無常地玩弄手腕夠久啦。

A loose mulch acts on the surface as an insulator . 疏松的覆蓋物在土壤表面起了隔熱的作用。

Her husband is on the loose . 她丈夫生活放蕩。

He'd got caught by the british and turned loose again . 他被英國人抓住,后來又被釋放了。

He wound up the loose rope . 他卷攏起松散的繩子。

I'll rip your gut string loose with this f-k-g bar . 我就拿這根鋼筋把你肚腸捅個稀爛。

The tooth has become a bit loose . 牙齒有點活絡。

I couldn't withhold giving some loose to my indignation . 我忍不住要發泄一點我的憤怒。

Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination . 閉上眼睛,海闊天空地遐想一番吧。