
loopy adj.(loopier; loopiest)1.多環的...


The story is not true , said a spokesman for princecharles , despite paxman saying the storys source is one of theroyal heirsfriends . in the past , charles has been portrayed by various commentatorsasa dull , slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking tohisplants 盡管帕克斯曼表示事情是王儲的一位朋友透露的,但查爾斯的一名發言人說: “這個故事是虛構的。 ”

So when he meets morty christopher walken , a loopy sales clerk , he gets the answer to his prayers : a magical remote that allows him to bypass life s little distractions with increasingly hysterical results 有一天,他在家庭用品店得到了一個神奇遙控器,米高赫然發現它竟可以遙控人生!它既可跳過無聊時間,甚至能時光倒流。

On the loopy side there is japan , where local governments are subsidising speed dating to help time - poor office workers find spouses 不理智的事例有日本,在那里,地方政府正為速配提供津貼,以便幫助缺少時間的辦公室工作人員找到配偶。

In the past , charles has been portrayed by various commentators as a dull , slightly loopy eccentric with a habit of talking to his plants 在過去,查爾斯常常被各種各樣的評論描繪成一個遲鈍且習慣談論他的花草的稍顯古怪的人。

They value skill over loopy beliefs , and as such don ' t like to get caught up in arguments over the esoteric concepts of good and evil 他們相信技術超過信仰,所以也不太愿意為那些深奧的好啊壞的概念起爭執。

Beneath the quirkiness , however , lies a clear - eyed account of consumerism gone loopy amid constantly thwarted emotional self - contentment 艾格曼寫母女情別有一手,乍看輕松疏離,其實是杯加了糖的特濃咖啡。

B : yeah , he ' s a real loopy guy . he always does some weird and stupid things 對啊,他真是個瘋子。他總是做一些奇怪又愚蠢的事情。

It might make him a little loopy at first but then it should knock him out 開始會有點不舒服,后來會好的

Methane . methane ' ll make you loopy 沼氣.沼氣會叫人窒息

You feeling loopy ? you look loopy 你有點暈了?你看起來暈了

L ' m gonna get loopy from standing and breathing in this human . . . 在這樣的環境下,我的頭都大了. .

You can get really loopy here and sing to your heart ' s content 你可以唱的很瘋,唱到你過癮為止

L ' m gonna get loopy from standing and breathing in this human 在這樣的環境下,我的頭都大了

L ' m gonna get loopy from standing and breathing in this human . . . 我現在站在下水道里. .