
loon n. 1.懶人;廢物;蠢漢。2.瘋子,狂人。3.〔蘇格蘭...

loon pants

Van loon , a philosopher in the early 20th century , left the legacy of tolerance to future generations . humanity today possesses more wisdom and awareness than its forebears a century ago 二十世紀初的哲學家凡龍van loon以“寬容”為遺產留給后世,今天的人類在經歷一百年的波折之后,是不是比一個世紀前的祖先具備更多的智慧和意識,有沒有鍛

Widening and realignment of a 3 . 7km long section of castle peak road between sham tseng and ka loon tsuen , tsuen wan to a dual two - lane carriageway with 3m wide footpath on both sides 把深井與嘉村之間一段3 . 7公里長雙線不分隔車道的青山公路擴闊和重新定線,由雙線不分隔車道改為雙程雙線分隔車道連兩旁3米闊行人路

As he labored over the short history of discovery , 1917 , ancient man , 1920 , and the story of mankind , 1921 , van loon became acquainted with leonore st 在寫作《發明的故事》 ( 1917 ) 、 《古人類》 ( 1920 )和《人類的故事》 ( 1921 )的過程中,房龍結識了紐約公共圖書館的兒童圖書管理員利奧諾?圣約翰?保爾。

In addition to many public lectures , beginning in 1935 van loon delivered talks on radio ? notably for nbc ? and appeared on information please and other celebrity quiz shows 除了許多公共演講外,從1935年起房龍也參加電臺談話節目? ?特別是在nbc電臺? ?并在《請報告》欄目和其他一些名人提問節目中出現。

The castle peak road improvement between belvedere garden in tsuen wan and sham tseng , and from sham tseng to ka loon tsuen near tsing lung tau is being implemented 介乎荃灣麗城花園與深井之間,以及介乎深井與青龍頭附近嘉龍村之間的青山公路改善工程現正進行。

Transport - roads - castle peak road improvement between sham tseng , ka loon tsuen , tsuen wan transport - interchanges and bus termini - public transport interchange in siu sai wan 荃灣第2區與深井之間的青山公路改善工程及荃灣深井與嘉村之間的青山公路改善工程

The objective of the project is to widen and improve the section of the existing castle peak road between ka loon tsuen and siu lam to a dual two - lane carriageway 工程計劃目的是于嘉村與小欖之間的一段青山公路進行擴闊和改善工程,使成為雙程雙線行車道。

Hendrik willem van loon ( 1882 - 1944 ) , a dutch - american author and illustrator , was the first winner of the newbery medal for the story of mankind 亨德里克?威廉?房龍( 1822 - 1944 ) ,荷蘭裔美國人,作家、插畫家,因《人類的故事》一書獲得紐伯瑞獎。

Widening of a 1 . 1km section of cpr between ka loon tsuen and tai lam kok from a single three - lane carriageway to a dual two - lane carriageway 擴闊嘉村與大欖角之間一段長1 . 1公里的青山公路,把這段單幅式三線行車道改為雙程雙線行車道

Wishing to connect with potential allies in his battle against wishful thinking , in 1942 van loon signed the membership book at all souls 1942年,因為希望聯系上一些同盟者來幫助他與妄想的戰斗,房龍在萬靈教會的成員名冊上簽了名。

Widening of a 1 . 1km section of castle peak road between ka loon tsuen and tai lam kok from a single three - lane carriageway to a dual two - lane carriageway 公里的青山公路,把這段單幅式三線行車道改為雙程雙線行車道

The existing castle peak road between sham tseng and ka loon tsuen in tsuen wan is sub - standard from a traffic engineering point of view 從交通工程角度而言,荃灣深井與嘉村之間的現有青山公路不符合標準。

In failing health , van loon did not attend all souls after he appeared in the pulpit the sunday he joined 因為健康狀況變得糟糕,房龍沒有參加萬靈教會的活動,只在加入教會的那個禮拜天出現在講道壇上。

Van loon defied his doctor ' s caution against overwork in order to chair a division of the national war fund 為了在國家戰爭基金會的一個部門擔任主席,房龍沒有理會他的醫生對他過度工作的警告。

The scope of the works for the castle peak road improvement between ka loon tsuen and siu lam mainly includes 介乎嘉村與小欖之間青山公路改善工程的設計及建造工程計劃包括:

Contract no . hy 2003 04 - design and build of improvement to castle peak road between ka loon tsuen and siu lam . hy 2003 04 -介乎嘉村與小欖之間青山公路改善工程的設計及建造

Castle peak road improvement between sham tseng and ka loon tsuen , tsuen wan hy 99 18 and hy 2005 06 荃灣深井與嘉村之間的青山公路改善工程hy 99 18和hy 2005 06

I would get up with the loons and dance to their heavenly sounds as they echoed across the lake 我將和潛鳥一道起飛,伴隨著它回蕩于湖上的美妙的歌聲歡舞。

Both laugh . a small crew of helm ' s deep survivors arrive . pippin chortles like a loon 大家都笑了。一小隊海爾姆深谷的幸存者抵達。皮平咯咯笑得像個傻瓜。