
loom n.1.織布機;織布法;織布業。2.槳柄,櫓柄。3.【航...


System of information and management in loom work 織布車間的信息管理系統

The treat of a nuclear war loomed large in people ' s mind 核戰爭的威脅壓在人們的心頭。

Vibration absorber design and dynamic simulation of loom 織機系統的減振設計與動態仿真

The foothills were looming ahead through the haze 丘陵地帶透過薄霧朦朧地出現在眼前。

Fear of failure loomed large in his mind 失敗的懼怕在他的腦海里日益顯現。

The craft practice of shuttleless loom making pure silk 無梭織機做真絲產品的工藝實踐

A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon 天邊地平線上隱約出現一堆烏云。

The mountainous island loomed on the horizon 那座巨大的島嶼隱隱約約浮現在地平線上。

The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist 噴射機的黑色輪廓在霧中隱隱顯現。

High speed six and eight shuttles circular loom Sj - fy系列高速六梭八梭圓織機

In heart ' s perspective the distance looms large 在心靈的愿景里,距離好像加大了。

In heart ' s perspective the distance looms large 心靈的遠景,把距離拉得很長很長。

Analysis on the weft insertion of rapier loom model g 1731型劍桿織機引緯機構分析

High speed automatic needle loom is our main equipment 主要設備是無梭織帶機。

In five minutes we were once more on our way through the ruined city, which loomed on either side through the grey dawning in a fashion at once grand and oppressive . 五分鐘后我們又穿過城市的廢墟上路。在黎明時分黯淡的光線中,路旁的殘垣斷壁的輪廓依稀可辨,顯得氣勢雄偉而又令人感慨萬千。

In december 1941, with the industrial civilization all around the northern hemisphere leaping into flame, one grand theme looms through the smoke . 一九四一年十二月,由于北半球的工業文明世界都已經燃燒著戰火,在硝煙彌漫中隱隱呈現出一個重大的主題。

Sometimes land loomed where there was no land and flicked out like a bubble as the children watched . 有時候,在原先沒有陸地的地方隱約出現了陸地,而當孩子們聚會神地注目時,陸地就象個氣泡似地一晃就不見了。

They sat at a pictuer window overlooking the spanish steps, with saint peter's looming gloriously in the distance . 他們坐在一處可以俯瞰西班牙臺階的風景窗旁,在遠處的地方,圣彼得大教堂輝煌地赫然聳立著。

“well, well!“ her husband raised his eyebrows. “one way or another, sam seems to loom large in our lives. “ “啊呀”!她丈夫眉峰一皺,“薩姆的陰影總是籠罩著咱們的生活,不是這樣,就是那樣。”