looker n.1.觀看者;〔英國〕檢查員。2.外貌漂亮的人。短語和...
n. 1.觀看者;〔英國〕檢查員。 2.外貌漂亮的人。 短語和例子lookers on TV 電視觀眾。 cloth lookers 織物檢查員。 a good looker俊男,美女。 a handsome looker美男子。 “looker-in“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. lookers-in) 看電視的人。 “looker-on“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. lookers-on ) 旁觀者;觀察者;觀看者。 Lookers-on see most of the game. 〔諺語〕旁觀者清。 “a handsome looker“ 中文翻譯: 外貌漂亮的人“forward looker“ 中文翻譯: 高瞻遠矚的人“good-looker“ 中文翻譯: 〔俚語〕美人。 “looker-over“ 中文翻譯: 檢驗工“lookee“ 中文翻譯: 看哪“looked uto“ 中文翻譯: 尊敬“looked upon a as b“ 中文翻譯: 把a視為“lookers on see more than players“ 中文翻譯: 當局者迷,旁觀者清“looked upon a as“ 中文翻譯: 把a視為“lookers-on see more than players“ 中文翻譯: 摸清情況再行動“looked upon“ 中文翻譯: 看作,顯得不錯
looker-in |
Even matters of chance seem most marvellous if there is an appearance of design as it were in them ; as for instance the statue of mitys at argos killed the author of mitys ' death by falling down on him when a looker - on at a public spectacle ; for incidents like that we think to be not without a meaning 偶然的事件發生時只要看上去仿佛內在有人為的設計就能取得最神奇的效果;例如阿爾戈斯的米提斯雕像在公開展覽時砸死了在一旁觀看的殺死米提斯的兇手;這樣的事件我們并不認為沒有意義。 |
Others , men and women , dipped in the puddles with little mugs of mutilated earthenware , or even with handkerchiefs from women s heads , which were squeezed dry into infants mouths ; others made small mud embankments , to stem the wine as it ran ; others , directed by lookers - on up at high windows , darted here and there , to cut off little streams of wine that started away in new directions ; others devoted themselves to the sodden and lee - dyed pieces of the cask licking , and even champing the moister wine - rotted fragments with eager relish 還有的人,有男有女,用殘缺不全的陶瓷杯子到水洼里去舀有的甚至取下女人頭上的頭巾去蘸滿了酒再擠到嬰兒嘴里有的用泥砌起了堤防,擋住了酒有的則按照高處窗口的人的指示跑來跑去,堵截正要往別的方向流走的酒,有的人卻在被酒泡漲被酒渣染紅的酒桶木片上下功夫,津津有味地咂著濕漉漉的被酒浸朽的木塊,甚至嚼了起來。 |
Something especially reckless in his demeanour , not only gave him a disreputable look , but so diminished the strong resemblance he undoubtedly bore to the prisoner which his momentary earnestness , when they were compared together , had strengthened , that many of the lookers - on , taking note of him now , said to one another they would hardly have thought the two were so alike 他有一種特別馬虎的神態,不但看去顯得不受人尊重,而且大大降低了他跟囚犯之間毫無疑問的相似程度剛才大家把他倆做比較時,他暫時的認真態度曾強化了相似的印象,因此許多觀眾現在都注意到了他,并交換意見說他們剛才怎么會認為他們倆那么相像呢。 |
Among the lookers - on there was the same expression in all quarters of the court ; insomuch , that a great majority of the foreheads there , might have been mirrors reflecting the witness , when the judge looked up from his notes to glare at that tremendous heresy about george washington 這時法庭各個角落的觀眾也流露出同樣的表情。而在法官從他的記錄中抬起頭來對有關喬治.華盛頓的離經叛道之論表示憎惡時,證人臉上的表情也立即反映到在場的絕大部分人的額頭上。 |
I perceive that people in these regions acquire over people in towns the value that the spider in a dungeon does over a spider in a cottage , to their various occupants ; and yet the deepened attraction is not entirely owing to the situation of the looker - on 我看出來這一帶的人,對于城里的那些形形色色的居民來說,就好比地窖里的蜘蛛見著茅舍里的蜘蛛,得益不少。這并不完全我是個旁觀者,才得出這種日益深刻的印象。 |
Lincoln , who was never regarded as much of a looker and certainly wasn ' t depicted as such on the 5 bill that has been printed for the past several decades , suddenly looks chiselled and fittingly statesmanlike on the new note 林肯? ?從來沒有人認為他是個長相不錯的人,所以在過去幾十年里印制的5美元鈔票上也確沒有把他描繪成相貌堂堂的人? ?在新版鈔票上,突然變成了一個輪廓清晰、頗具政治家風度的人。 |
The rout approached the stairway , and flowed over the lower step . one of the parties had evidently been repulsed ; but the mere lookers - on could not tell whether mandiboy or camerfield had gained the upper hand “我看咱們最好還是走吧, ”費克斯說,他怕“他的”福克先生受到攻擊或者出了事兒自己負不起這個責任。 |
To conduct an experiment , 20 / 20 hired actors - some great looking , some not - and put them in situations to gauge how often the “ lookers “ would get preferential treatment 為了做一個試驗, “ 20 / 20 “節目雇用了演員。有些人容貌出眾,有些人卻不是。但把演員們放在特定環境下,看看“漂亮人“是如何常常得到優待的。 |
The boy s eyes , which had been fixed on mine , slowly turned to the looker - on , and i saw in the mo faces that all he said was true “那少年一雙眼睛原先望著我,此時卻慢慢轉向了我身邊那個人。我從這兩張面孔上看出那少年的話全是真的。 |
Among these on - lookers were three young men of a superior class , carrying small knapsacks strapped to their shoulders , and stout sticks in their hands 在這群旁觀的人中間有三個階層較高的年輕男子,肩上背著小背包,手里拄著粗棍子。 |
When you were born , you were crying , but the lookers - on was laughing . when you are passing away , you are laughing , but the lookers - on are crying 當你出生的時候,你哭著,但你周圍的人笑著;當你離世的時,你笑著,你周圍的人哭著。 |
When you were born , you ' re crying but lookers - on were smiling . when you are passing away , you ' re smiling but lookers - on are crying 你出生的時候,你哭著,人生哲理的文章,周圍的人笑著;你逝去的時候,你笑著,而周圍的人在哭! |
When you were born , you were crying but lookers - on were smiling . when you are passing away , youre smiling but lookers - on are crying 你出生的時候,你哭著,周圍的人笑著;你逝去的時候,你笑著,而周圍的人在哭著! |
When you were born , you ' re crying but lookers - on were smiling . when you are passing away , you ' re smiling but lookers - on are crying 你出生的時候,你哭著,周圍的人笑著;你逝去的時候,你笑著,而周圍的人在哭! |
When you were born , you ' re crying but lookers - on were smiling . when you are passing away , you ' re smiling but lookers - on are crying 你出生的時候,你哭著,周圍的人笑著;你離世的時候,你笑著,而周圍的人在哭! |
She was always a swell - looker , and he had tried to put on the air of being worthy of such as she , in front of her 她總是打扮得十分漂亮,在她面前,他還曾努力擺出和她不相上下的神氣。 |
If you choose to be a looker ? on to life you should not be surprised that what you see is just a play 如果你選擇當生活的觀眾,那么就不要驚奇于看到的只是一出戲。 |
He is quite a looker 他可真夠帥的。 |
The kid ' s a looker 那個妞兒是個美人兒。 |