
look vi.1.看,注視,盯 (at). Look! 你瞧!看...

look through

I should look for other property and build . 我會另找地方蓋房子的。

Macrory's body looked inviolable . 馬克羅里的身軀也顯得神圣不可侵犯。

I went east in may to have a look at him . 五月,我到東部去拜訪他。

The peasants looked upon him as a specialist . 農民們把他看做專家。

Lou looked back and winked at carl . 婁扭回頭看看,給卡爾使了個眼色。

Indeed, i should be sorry to look like him . 說真的,我象他才倒楣啦。

It looked as though he found it hard to answer . 他好象覺得難以啟齒。

Still he looked both handsome and superb . 他還是顯得漂亮,不可一世。

The king looked really put out over this . 看來國王真被這事兒激怒了。

Please look me up when you are in town again . 再來鎮時請你來探望我。

After ten years , he still looked the same . 他仍舊是十年前的老樣子。

Look , do it this way and you can dig faster . 要這樣挖,才挖得快。

There was a look of defiance in his eyes . 他眼里流露出尋釁的兇光。

We all turned and looked around for gatsby . 我們一起扭頭尋找蓋茨比。

He looked up at them with great chivalry . 他非常有禮貌地抬頭瞧她們。

The sheep looked very sorry for themselves . 那些羊似乎懂得愛憐自己。

She looked at it critically for a moment . 她以評論的眼光看了一會。

Jan has certainly looked after us well . 簡確實把我們照顧得太周到了。

A look of misery spread over martha's face . 瑪莎的臉上布滿了愁云。