
loofah n.=luffa.


These two types of products are developed and designed by our company which are always highly praised by the clients home and abroad especially in the grinding tool . our products are mainly sold to america , japan , malaysia , south korea and other regions and countries , we have established good trade cooperative relations with many foreign trade companies , and becomes the fixed - point purchase unit of several among them . we are one of the leading manufactory of a variety and sizes pumice , foot brush , the loofah series products 這兩大類產品是經過本公司多年來的開發設計研制而成,一直受到國內外客戶的好評,尤其是保潔性磨具,主要銷往美國日本馬來西亞韓國等國家和地區,已與多家外貿公司建立了良好的合作關系,并成為幾家外貿公司的定點采購單位,本公司已是國內品種最全規格最大的浮石磨腳石絲瓜絡系列產品的生產廠家。

He waited by the counter , inhaling the keen reek of drugs , the dusty dry smell of sponges and loofahs . lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains 他在柜臺跟前等待著,慢慢地嗅著藥品那沖鼻子的氣味以及海綿和絲瓜瓤那滿是灰塵的干燥氣味,得花不少時間來訴說自己這兒疼那兒疼呢。

That night , our merciful master showed the fellow sister a strange vision in her dream : first , there was a withered loofah plant , symbolizing the end of life 當天晚上,慈悲的師父就顯示一個異象給師姊看:一棵已經枯萎的絲瓜藤,象徵人生已走到盡頭。

Dishes include main courses like chicken , jellyfish and smoked goose , and stir - fried items like abalone , and minced crab with loofah 青葉以清粥小菜聞名,事實上青葉也賣臺式筵席料理,由辦酒席的老師傅掌廚。

Seaweed wrap , loofah 海藻浴絲瓜

Let ' s just start over and forget about that whole loofah thing . holy shit 讓我們重新開始,忘了那浴刷吧-糟了

Fuck the loofah . let ' s go 去它的絲瓜筋,我們可以快走了

No , no , no , i ' ve got loofahs up my ass 不,不,我已經受夠了

The loofah for the scrubbing . - get out 洗澡用的絲瓜筋出去

I need a melon baller and a loofah 我需要一個西瓜模子和一根絲瓜筋

Oh ! holy shit ! i didn ' t like that loofah 喔,天哪!我不是很喜歡那浴刷的

I - - gosh . i spent like 200 bucks on this loofah . hmm 唉,該死,花了200元買這只浴刷

I - gosh . i spent like 200 bucks on this loofah . hmm 唉,該死,花了200元買這只浴刷