
loo n.一種紙牌賭搏。


To entice all the people looking for a loo - break to stay a bit longer , locals bought the antebellum houses and turned them into restaurants and inns 為了誘使那些原本只想小憩一會的過客待的更久一些,當地人買下內戰前的房子,改裝成餐館和旅店。

Last month fran ? ois loos , france ' s industry minister , said 2009 was “ an indicative date ” for competition rather than a firm deadline 上個月,法國工業部部長弗朗索瓦?羅斯說, 2009年只是引入競爭的“一個指示性年份” ,并非雷打不動的最后期限。

Heat sources of air conditioning of the building , mutually standby , are loos ( germany ) steam boiler that uses natural gas as fuel 大廈空調熱源由3臺互為備用,以天然氣為燃料的德國勞斯loos蒸汽鍋爐提供。

If you want to cram for anything , i should be troubled to recommend you to a better adviser than loo bounderby 你要想速成哪一門知識,我倒很難給你介紹個比露?龐得貝更好的顧問給你。

Loo ! and above all the voices rose the voice of danilo , passing from a deep note to piercing shrillness 在這一片呼喚聲中,尤以丹尼洛時而低沉時而刺耳的呼聲清晰可聞。

Either system will most likely mean that you ' ll spend more time waiting for the loo than for a brew 總之,這兩套系統都能讓你排隊等喝酒比等洗手間的時間還短。

The whippers - in were not now hallooing , but urging on the hounds with cries of loo 獵犬訓練管理人已不催促獵犬追捕野獸,而是發出口令,叫獵犬抓住野獸。

Mr . yuen kai - chi and ms . loo , pictured with the staff of the selective placement division 兩位主講嘉賓阮繼志先生及羅乃萱女士與展能就業科職員合照

When she emerged from a stall , a man was lying in wait for her inside the ladies ' loo 當她從女廁隔間走出來時,一名男子正埋伏在女廁里等她。

Loo ' s free 魯沒事。

Group tat loo 組合達與璐

Loo ! he kept shouting , looking for the old hound , who was his one hope now 他用眼睛尋找那只老公犬時大聲喊道,它是他的唯一的希望。

She ' s yours . she ' s hiding in the loos and drunk , so i ' m sure she ' ll go easy 她是你們的了,躲在廁所,聆汀大醉。我保證她很容易對付

Endeavor to change the way you look at things . always loo at the bright side 努力改變自己看待事物的方式,總是要看事物積極的一面。

Loo ! he was shouting 他喊道。

Loo ! shouted nikolay 尼古拉喊道。

Why don ' t you duck into the loos and , kind of , kill two birds sort of thing 你為什么不躲在廁所里。做點什么亂七八糟的事情

I . no , loo . i tried 我我真的有試過

Artist name : tat loo , 藝人名稱:達與璐