
lonsdale n.朗斯代爾〔姓氏〕。


Accompanied by a 60 - piece orchestra , the program included the performancers of singers , composers , and actors from hollywood , such as samantha hunt , shep lonsdale from gaelic storm , kerry walsh , anne marie ketchum , mel kubik , steven cooper , bill conti , peter boyer , fred karlin , george thatcher , maria newman , nicole campbell , and the pasadena boys choir , just to mention a few 演出人員有好萊塢的歌者作曲家以及演員,包括蓋爾風暴樂團的薩門韓特和賽普朗德爾凱莉沃許安茉莉凱倩梅兒庫必克史提芬庫柏比爾康迪彼得鮑約菲德卡林喬治柴契爾瑪麗雅紐曼妮可坎培以及帕沙第納男孩圣詠團等等。

Prof chris s . lonsdale 梁啟思教授

The first time lonsdale received a message, bill collins was unable to decipher it. there was no indicator group in the traffic . 朗斯代爾第一次接收信息時,比爾柯林斯未能將其破譯出來,因為這份電訊中沒有密碼指標組。

I went over the lonsdale story a second time, and by the time i finished, harvey could contain himself no longer . 我于是把朗斯代爾事件復述了一遍,到我講完的時候,哈維再也按捺不住了。

Without the evidence lonsdale and his associates could have got off either scot-free or with a minor sentence . 如果沒有這種證據,朗斯代爾和他的同伙就會無罪開釋,或判刑極輕。

Arthur and i began to wander if, perhaps, lonsdale realized his pads were compromised . 阿瑟和我開始懷疑朗斯代爾也許知道密碼本已被破獲。

Toward morning lonsdale woke the girl up, and persuaded her to leave . 快到早晨的時候,朗斯代爾喚醒了那個姑娘,勸她離開。

Lonsdale was put under intensive surveillance . 于是,朗斯代爾被置于嚴密監視之下。