
longtimer 1.在某地住過很久的人;長期從事某項工作的人。2.長期徒...


It ' s “ common sense “ that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study 好萊塢資深心理學家曾經說過,名人都比較自戀,這已是個“常識” 。

It ' s “ common sense “ that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study 好萊塢資深心理學家曾經說過,名人都比較自戀,這已是個“常識” 。

A longtime gay activist , gregory plans to keep the shirts “ as they were , on the hanger , entwined . 對他而言,這兩件意味著社會逐漸對同性戀的寬容和接納。

Jenna bush said “ yes “ when longtime boyfriend henry hager asked her to marry him 在與男友亨利?海格一起度過了很久美好時光之后,珍娜欣然答應了亨利的求婚。

“ “ no measurement , no science “ is a scientific conclusion drawn after longtime practice “沒有測量就沒有科學”是人們經過長期實踐做出的科學總結。

Jenna bush said “ yes “ when longtime boyfriend henry hager asked her to marry him 她欣然答應了交往甚久的男朋友亨利?黑格的求婚。

Jenna bush said “ yes “ when longtime boyfriend henry hager asked her to marry him 在經歷漫長的戀愛期之后,詹娜終于接受了求婚。